Page 23 of Spark's Inferno

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There’s so much more I want to tell her, to share with her, but the secrecy of our budding relationship hangs between us like a veil.

“Don’t worry,” I murmur, leaning in close enough that only she can hear. “We’ll figure it out. We always do.”

“Yeah, we will,” she whispers back, her eyes softening for a moment before they harden again with determination. “Just promise me you’ll stay safe. I know Damon is sending you guys on a lot more runs right now… and that just means shit’s gonna pop off soon.”

“I’m always safe, babycakes,” I reply, wishing I could pull her into my arms right here, right now. But instead, I give her a reassuring nod, hoping it’s enough for now.

I glance at Zoe, and her eyes dart to the right.

Narrowing my eyes, “What’s going on?”

Her face goes pale, and she whispers urgently, “Jacob’s walking over.”

I snicker, my lips curling into a grin. “Is that so?”

Internally, I’m already getting a kick out of this.

Jacob says, a sickly sweet smile spreading across his face as he steps right in front of us, cutting off any avenue of escape. “Zoe, wow, you look amazing.”

“Jacob,” Zoe replies, her voice dripping with venom. “You look like the same slimy bastard who cheated on me.”

“Come on, Zoe,” he drawls, shifting his weight and trying to appear nonchalant. “I was drunk. It was a mistake. Nothing like that would ever happen again.”

“Yeah, you’re right,” I interject, seizing the moment to throw my arm around Zoe's shoulder.

Her body stiffens for a split second before she relaxes into my side.

I lock eyes with Jacob, letting him see the fire burning behind my gaze. “Nothing like that willeverhappen again.”

Jacob’s smirk falters, replaced by a flicker of something darker.

His eyes narrow as he looks between Zoe and me, but I don’t give him an inch.

My grip tightens protectively around her, making it clear she’s not alone anymore.

“Better get used to it,” I say, my tone low and dangerous. “She’s moved on.”

Jacob sneers, his eyes glinting with malice. “Why am I not surprised? You’re nothing but a dumb biker slut.”

Before Zoe can lunge at him, my fist flies, connecting squarely with his jaw.

The satisfying crunch of impact reverberates through my knuckles as Jacob stumbles back, clutching his face in shock.

“Get out of here!” a nearby patron shouts, their voice slicing through the tension like a knife.

Jacob retorts, his voice muffled by his hand, anger and humiliation swirling in his eyes. “Yeah,youshould get out of here.”

“Not him, you.” The patron steps closer, pointing an accusing finger at Jacob. “You should never speak to a lady like that.”

Jacob huffs, his bravado faltering as the room turns against him.

A barista moves from behind the counter, her expression stern. “Sir, I’m going to have to ask you to leave,” she says firmly.

Jacob’s shoulders tense before he finally storms out, muttering curses under his breath.

The door swings shut behind him, leaving a charged silence in his wake.

Zoe’s fingers brush the faint bruise forming on my knuckles, her touch feather-light. “Thank you for that,” she says, her voice warm and sincere.

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