Page 2 of Spark's Inferno

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The next instant, my cheek stings with the force of his slap.

My vision blurs, and the room seems to tilt on its axis.

The sting of his slap reverberates through my skull, but it’s nothing compared to the pain in my chest.

“Get the fuck out of here,” I manage to say, my voice shaking. “Get the fuck off the club’s property, now!”

Jacob’s nostrils flare, and for a second, I think he’s going to hit me again.

But he doesn’t.

Instead, he releases my wrist, shoving me back a step as he does.

Without another word, he storms toward the door, each step heavy with unspent fury.

The door slams behind him, leaving me alone in the suffocating silence.

I stand there, my body trembling uncontrollably.

My face throbs where he hit me, a stark reminder of how quickly everything can fall apart.

My hands are shaking so hard I have to clench them into fists just to keep from falling apart completely.

I stare at the spot where Jacob stood, trying to process the whirlwind of emotions crashing over me: anger, betrayal, heartbreak.

“Fuck,” I whisper to the empty room, the word barely audible.

I sink down onto the edge of the bed, my legs no longer able to support me.

My mind races, replaying the events in an endless loop, each iteration cutting deeper than the last.

The pain is almost too much to bear, a relentless ache that gnaws at my insides.

I thought we were building a life together.

We had plans, dreams—things that now feel like cruel jokes at my expense.

How could I have been so blind?

“Stupid,” I mutter, tears welling up in my eyes.

I fight them back, refusing to give in to the weakness.

I need to stay strong, need to reclaim some semblance of control.

But it’s hard when everything feels so shattered.

I take a deep breath, trying to steady myself.

The room still feels like it’s spinning, but I force myself to focus, to ground myself in the here and now.

One step at a time, Zoe. You can do this.

“Get it together, Zoe,” I mutter, reaching for my makeup bag.

Each stroke of concealer feels like plastering over a wound, but it’s necessary.

I won’t give anyone out there the satisfaction of seeing me broken. Not tonight.

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