Page 23 of Logan

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“You will if you can’t make bail.”

“I have money. I can make bail. I hope you know you ruined my night with my date.”

“Iruined your night? You’re the one who ruined it by getting drunk. I’d bet money you won’t be going out with her again.”

“She wasn’t that great anyway. She seems tohave a temper.”

Logan snorted.Seems to have a temper?Hell, Dixie’s picture was under ‘bad temper’ in the dictionary. That woman could make the strongest man cringe. She didn’t hold back when she was mad. He mentally shook his head. The only time he saw that happen was when he arrested her father. After telling him she hated him, she never spoke to him again.

After he handed off the man to Deputy Mark Shaw at the department, Logan headed out the door. He was off tomorrow, and he planned to spend the day with his dad. Maybe take him to the cabin and do some fishing. If he was up to it.

Logan was always afraid his father would get tired if he took him too far from home. His health was declining every day. When he’d been diagnosed, two years ago, it was already in stage two.Pancreatic cancer has the potential to be curable if caught very early. But the overall poor prognosis and the fact that the disease was mostly incurable, his father was running out of time.

When Logan came home two years ago for the case, he had no clue his father had cancer. He had waited to tell Logan because he wanted Logan to do his job. When his father told him, the bottom fell out. Not only had he lost Dixie, but he would soon lose his father.

He made the decision he would come home when Clint’s health started to decline, and in Clifton is where he would stay. He made a promise to his father years ago that he would take over the ranch, and he intended to keepthat promise.

Chapter Four

Logan sighed as he watched a car speeding by. He pulled onto the road, flipped the lights on, and hit the siren. He called the license plate in and swore when it came back to Dixie.

She pulled onto the shoulder of the road and stopped. Logan took a deep breath, put his hat on and stepped from the vehicle. He saw the driver’s side window lower as he placed his hand on top of the car, then leaned down.

“Do you do this on purpose?”

“Do what on purpose?” Dixie asked.

“Irritate the fuck out of me,” he snapped.

“Oh, sure. I knew you’d be out here.”

“Do you have any idea how fast you were going?”

“Isn’t that your job?”

“Could you, just once, stop trying to bust my balls?” he growled.

When she shrugged, he slapped the top of the vehicle, making her jump, then he stepped back.

“Get out of the car.”


“Get out of the car…now, Dixie or I’ll drag you out.”

She opened the door, stepped out, and leaned against it.

“You were twenty miles over the posted speed limit. Do you have a death wish?”

“I loved you at one time, didn’t I?”

Logan stepped closer to her and narrowedhis eyes.

“I am so sick of going over this with you every time I see you. I know you don’t like me—”

“Don’tlikeyou? I hate you.”

“Yeah, I fucking get it. I lied to you, I hurt you, and you’ll never forgive me. Do you think I don’t know all of that? I had a job to do—”

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