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“Ah, fuck. I knew I was supposed to be doing something.”

Oh. Right.

“Kidding, broski. Ava found a great place centrally located between the three of us, a two-bedroom condo with a pool and clubhouse and all that jazz. We could likely close on it by the end of the month. I talked it over with Av, and we’re fine with buying it outright if you, Spence, and Linc want to split the monthly association fee. The other two are good with it if you are.”

“If you think we can really get him to move when I’m the one who’s technically crashing with him.”

“You are, but you’re also footing the bill each month, right?” he asks.

“Yeah, I am now,” I say. “We said it made sense since I was out a paycheck an entire year thanks to him, but let’s be honest. It never made much sense.”

“No, it didn’t. You two can be a lot together when you’re getting along, but when you aren’t? Forget it,” he says.

“We’re fine. I just, you know…” I trail off as I try to shift the topic over to therealreason I called.

“Wanna bring girls by without his prying eye?”

“Something like that,” I say dryly. “More specifically, one girl, if I’m being honest.”

“What?” he gasps with a huge dose of dramatics for my effect. “There’s a girl?”

“It’s complicated.”

“Aren’t they all?” he mutters. “What’s complicating it?”

“No one can know.”

“I won’t tell,” he promises.

I shake my head even though he can’t see me. “No, that’s not what I mean. I wasn’t swearing you to secrecy. What I mean is that no one can know we’re seeing each other.”

“Why not?” he asks. Just as I open my mouth to tell him it’s complicated, he says, “And don’t give me theit’s complicatedbullshit answer. I’m your brother, and I know you called to talk this out, so get on with it.”

I sigh, debating how honest to be with him, and then I decide to lay it on the line. “You know how things were in the locker room for me last season coming off the suspension since you were there. We both took heat for being the coach’s brothers.”

“Oh, shit,” he breathes. “You’re in love with someone in the locker room? Ash, I swear, I had no idea—”

“No, dude! What the fuck?”

“Sorry. I really thought that’s where you were going. Sometimes you throw us for a loop.”

I heave out a breath. “I’m working on my reputation in the locker room. That’s all I’m saying. I’m trying to be a leader. And our new OC, Coach Dixon, he’s been incredible. He believes in me. He’s taken me under his wing, and he’s helped point out places where I can step up. He’s…he’s great.”

“So you’re in love with him?” he guesses.

“Jesus Christ, Grayson, no! His daughter. I’m in love with his daughter.” My eyes widen as soon as the words are out. It’s the first time I’ve spoken them aloud. I guess there’s no going back now.

He’s silent on the other end of the line, so I add more as I run my hand along my jaw.

“Fuck, I don’t know if it’s really love or just strong feelings, but it’s definitely something. And I can’t betray him like that.” I think about adding more since he’s still silent, but I give it a moment before I say, “Say something.”

“Damn, Ash. Sounds like you’ve really gotten yourself into a jam.”

“Thanks, that’s helpful,” I say dryly.

“No, I’m trying to figure out what to say. I’m trying to do the big brother thing and come up with the right advice, and I’m just…I’m at a loss, I think,” he says quietly. “Are you sure you can’t be honest with him?”

“No. She doesn’t want him to know any more than I do. He’s a bit overprotective of her, and he even mentioned her to me once and told me not to get any ideas. The thing is…” I trail off.

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