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To that end, I take another sip of my drink, shovel in another slider, and say, “Tell me more about Asher Nash. I’ve had, what, four orgasms by you now, and I feel like all I know about you is that you hate mushrooms.”

“Five,” he clarifies immediately. “Not that we’re keeping track or anything.”

I laugh. “Right. Plus the ones I’ve given myself thinking of you since the last time.”

His eyes darken as he shifts a little in his chair. “You’ve touched yourself thinking about me?”

“It’s been almost four months since the charity ball, and not a single man has held my interest enough to let him see me naked. So, yeah. A girl’s got needs, and I’ve got a vibrator.”

His jaw slackens at the mere thought. “To be clear, I’ve given myself plenty of secret handshakes over the last few months myself.”

“Secret handshake?” I repeat with a laugh, dodging the real question I want to ask regarding whether he’s been with other women since he was with me. “Is that what you call jerking off?”

“Oh, there’s plenty more where that came from.” He wiggles his eyebrows playfully, and I laugh. “But back to this vibrator business. Is that open for spectators?”

“Plural? No.” I press my lips together.

He shakes his head and shoves his thumb into his chest. “Singular. Me.”

“I thought thishad to be the last time,” I point out, tossing his own words right back at him as I throw air quotes around the end of my sentence.

“Right, that,” he says dryly. “I guess I can make an exception. But just one more time.”

“Mm-hmm,” I say, nodding sarcastically. “I need two things before I’ll agree to that.” I chug down the rest of my vodka and tip the bottle over my glass, not bothering to add Sprite to it to dilute the alcohol content.

“Name them.” He grabs the bottle and doesn’t bother pouring it over his ice, instead tipping the bottle right to his lips.

“The time and place,” I say.

“How long are you in town?” he asks.

“Through the game Sunday. I leave Sunday night.”

He nods. “Then every day from now until Sunday that you are available.”

I laugh. “I mean, I do need to spend a little bit of time with my family while I’m here.”

He ignores my words. “Did you bring the vibrator with you, or do I need to provide the toys?”

“It’s at home,” I admit.

He narrows his eyes at me. “You were planning on this happening again, weren’t you?”

“I was hoping.” I lift a shoulder. “The night of the ball was one of the best nights of my life, Asher. And tonight, honestly, it’s a close second.”

He glances at the food on the table before his eyes lift to mine. “Feeling’s mutual.”

My chest warms.

He sets down the piece of fruit in his hand. “I don’t want to fight against this, Des. You said you haven’t been with anybody since the ball…and I haven’t, either. I kissed one girl in Australia, and I felt nothing. I tried, and it wasnothing. With you, it’s fucking explosions and electricity when we’re in the same room together. I can’t stop thinking about you.”

He sighs, and my chest does a hell of a lot more than warm at his words. Until he continues forward before I get the chance to tell him that.

“But there are certain lines you don’t cross in this business, and I’m crossing them. I’m running over them and leaving them in the rearview, and I have to be careful. I’m already on thin ice, and your dad is like theonefucking person who believes in me. I still get teased in the locker room about my suspension. People think I’m there because of my brother. Not Coach Dixon, though. I can’t betray him, not when he believes I can be a leader like I want to be, and being here with you right now feels like a huge betrayal.”

“Then we’ll be careful. We’ll get to know each other in secret, and nobody has to know.”

“For now, yeah. Fine. But what happens down the road when this goes to a place neither of us can hide any longer?” His tone is both sincere and hopeful, and it gives me a great measure of joy that he’s thinking that far ahead.

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