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I don’t know how much longer I can resist the temptation she keeps laying in front of me. She may only be twenty-five, but fuck if she doesn’t know exactly what the hell she’s doing. Showing up in a different jersey twice in a row?

Fuck that.

She better be wearing eighty-five the next time I see her in a jersey, or…

Or what?

She made a great point when she asked that very same question as she got into the car. What am I going to do aboutit if she shows up again, representing yet another one of my teammates?

As long as it isn’t Graham, I can probably let it go.

Nah, fuck that. It better not be anyone.

As for what I’m going to do about it…I’m not sure yet.

I don’t know why it bothers me so much, but it does. My number is part of my identity. It has been since peewee league. It doesn’t have any special significance other than that was the jersey tossed to me when I was a kid, and like all three of my brothers, I held onto that number through my entire football career—with the exception of my freshman year of high school when eighty-five was taken by a senior.

It was my worst season to date even though I made varsity, so when he graduated and the number was free again, I took it back.

Is it sending the entirely wrong message to text her tonight after I saw her less than an hour ago?

Definitely, yes.

Do I care?

Nope. Not even a little.

So back to the question at hand—that littleor whatthing she brought up.

I type her number into a new message and draft a text.

Me:Or I’ll take it off myself.

It’s stupid, but before I can convince myself of that, I click the send button.

Her reply comes quickly.

Desiree:Is that a threat or a promise?

Jesus, I have my hands full with this one.

I have no idea when I’ll see her again, but I hope to God it’s soon.


She doesn’t reply, and I stare at my phone, willing the little text bubble to appear.

Eventually, I give up, tossing my phone beside me on the bed as I turn off the light.

I close my eyes as I wait for sleep to fall over me, but it’s eluding me.

Can I go back on my promise to Coach now that I know she’s his daughter? It’s all kinds of wrong, but I’m not sure I can force myself to stay away…not when she keeps showing up. Not when she keeps tempting me with those eyes, that knowing smile, that sweet, sweet body.

And I have no idea when I’ll see her again.

I blow out a breath and check my phone, and there’s still no reply. It’s also only been ten minutes since I last texted her.

I haven’t tried very hard, but sleep seems pretty useless at this point. I head out to the kitchen to grab a beer and sit in front of the television to catch today’s highlights on ESPN, but my plan is ruined when I see my dad already sitting on the couch watching some old western.

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