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I’m in Asher Nash’s hotel room, asleep after he made me come.


Oh, shit.

I hadn’t meant to fall asleep.

I glance at the clock, and it’s a little after two in the morning.

Asher is out. He’s breathing evenly, and the dinging of my text notification doesn’t appear to be bothering him in the slightest.

We drank a lot last night, and I might still be a little tipsy, but not in a bad way. Not in theI’m-gonna-lose-my-dinner-in-the-busheskind of way, anyway.

I glance at the screen and see a text from my mom, which only presses on my guilty conscience more.

Mom:Would you mind grabbing some more Pepto on your way home? We’re all out, and Dad could use some more.

I sigh. The question presumes I’m coming home tonight, which I really should. I’m staying with them this weekend, and while I’m an adult certainly capable of making her own choices, I also don’t particularly want to have to explain myself to them by rolling in wearing the same outfit I wore to the ball last evening.

And I’m certainly not about to fill them in on the fact that I had the steamiest encounter of my life with one of my dad’s players.

I text her back.

Me:Of course. Be on my way soon.

Mom:You stay out if you’re having fun! Don’t want to ruin your good time.

I glance at Asher. As much as I don’t want to leave, it’s not like she’s ruining my good time. I should go anyway. Neither of us went into this night with expectations, and it’s probably better to leave without them, too.

Still, I don’t want to leave without at least saying goodbye.

I find my thong and dress, and once those are in place, I strap my stilettos back on, my feet begging me to leave them off.

I head over to the bed and study him, and I lean down and press a soft kiss to his temple.

“Asher?” I ask softly near his ear.

“Mm,” he murmurs, and he doesn’t open his eyes.

I shake his arm a little. “Asher?” I say a little more loudly.

He doesn’t move. His breaths are still even, and it would appear he’s a heavy sleeper.

“Asher!” I call, and…nada.

I sigh, not sure what to do for a minute, and then I lean over and give him a hug. “Thanks for a great night. I’ll never forget it.”

I walk over toward the desk and spot a pad of paper and a pen, and I leave a note behind, praying he’ll see it in the morning even though I hadn’t planned on leaving my number.


Hope you enjoyed what was beneath the leaves. I know I liked that steel beneath the paisley. Had to run out, but I’m sure I’ll see you again soon.


I leave my phone number on the bottom with the wordscall me, and I search around the room to try to find the right place to leave it so he’ll see it. Ultimately, I choose the nightstand where his phone is, study him one more time, and let myself out of his room.

I reserve a Lyft while I take the elevator down to the lobby, and I spot a twenty-four-hour gift shop on the way toward the exit. I swing in, grab some Pepto, and head outside, feeling like I’m leaving a piece of myself behind.

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