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“Addy,” I say immediately.

“Give me two seconds, and I’ll go get her.” She returns a moment later with Addy and also with the doctor. Addy rushes over and holds my hand as we watch the doctor glance at the screen and look over at me.

The doctor does a quick pelvic check, and then she says, “We have some good news, Ms. Dixon. There are no signs of infection, and the baby’s heart rate is stable. We don’t have any concerns with your health right now, so I think that while it’s a little earlier than we’d ideally like, we’re safe to proceed with the delivery. We’ll let things progress naturally and see how it goes.”

Addy glances at her watch, and she excuses herself. Less than a minute later, my mom and dad appear in the doorway.

I burst into tears.

“What are you doing here?” I ask as they rush over to me. My dad stands beside me a bit awkwardly, and my mom sets her hand on my stomach as I brush away the tears.

“We’ll get to that in a minute. How are you?” she asks.

“I’m okay. Scared, but okay. Asher’s on his way…” I glance over at my dad, and he nods.

“I know.” His voice is flat and serious, and I can’t get a read on what he’s thinking.

“He called us,” my mom says.

“He did?” I sniffle.

She nods. “We were here in San Diego. Dad had a rare few days off, so we flew out to visit with our friends here. Lucky break.”

“Asher called you?”

She nods, her eyes getting a little misty. “He called your father.”

My chest squeezes at that.

The contractions are still about seven to eight minutes apart, but I haven’t dilated past four centimeters—which is good since it gives Asher time to arrive.

It’s over an hour after my parents arrive when Asher appears in the doorway.

They excuse themselves as I burst into tears yet again. What a freaking emotional roller coaster.

He stands in the doorway after they leave, and he stares across the small space at me. He rushes across the room and drops his lips to mine, his hand moving on top of my stomach.

I feel safe again. I feel like I can do this.

Without him, I was scared. Even when my parents got here, I was still scared.

But Asher’s here now, and he always knows how to make everything okay.

It’s what I’ve come to rely on.

And that’s what tells me the one thing that’s become very clear to me over the last few months. No matter what happens over the next couple days…this is the man I’m meant to spend the rest of my life with.

Chapter 62: Asher Nash

She’s About to Be a Mother

“Asher, honey, I don't know how to thank you for calling us.” Desiree's mom pulls me into a tight hug.

We're still waiting for the action to really get started. She's dilated six centimeters now, and contractions are starting to come a little more frequently at six minutes, but the doctor says we still have lots of time.

She can't eat anything, but I can, and I am a growing boy. Or I'm an athlete who has fairly strict dietary concerns even in the offseason.

Addy is in with her now, and I’m about to grab a bite to eat with Coach Dixon and Sue.

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