Page 118 of Bad Liar

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“You want money, you earn it. You can’t just take it out ofsomeone else’s pocket, son. How has no one taught you this?” Nick asked. “You’re gonna be men soon. You need to learn the responsibility that comes with that. Now, me, I don’t wanna see either one of you back in here. You understand me?”

“Yes, sir,” they mumbled.

Munroe looked up. “Will we have to testify in court? Against killers?”

“Probably not,” Nick said. “You didn’t see anything with any detail. You didn’t see any faces. But this information is a big help to my investigation nevertheless, and I thank you. Sergeant Rodrigue will call your parents, and they can come get you.”

They both looked horrified at the prospect.

“Can’t we just go to school?” Olivier asked.

“No. We have to tell them we brought you in and why.”

“Oh, man,” Munroe groaned. “My old man is gonna whup my ass.”

“Can’t do the time, don’t do the crime, Li’l Rambo,” Stokes said.

“I’ll tell them you were helpful to me,” Nick said. “And I’ll put in a good word with the Wildlife agent.”

“What?” Olivier asked. “You said you didn’t care about the stealing!”

“I’m not putting you in jail,” Nick said. “I’m not charging you with anything. But you don’t get off scot-free for stealing.”

“But we helped you!” Munroe whined.

“And I thanked you for it. You do the right thing because it’s the right thing, not because you think you should get something for it,” Nick said. “I’ll put in a word for you, but you’re still gonna deal with the Wildlife agents, and you’re gonna have to make it up to Mr. Arceneaux. That’s only fair. No arguments. I’ll see that done, myself if need be.”

He turned to Rodrigue. “Thank you, Sergeant. They’re all yours. Maybe you can explain to them how karma works while you’re waiting for their mothers.”

He nodded to Stokes and turned for the door.

“You’re getting soft in your old age, Nicky,” Stokes said as they collected their weapons and started back to the Pizza Hut. “You could have at least made them pee their pants.”

“Well, God forbid you should ever become a parent,” Nick said. “But if you do, you’ll look at things different. They aren’t bad kids. They’re just dumb, thinking they’re growing up to be badasses.”

“Well, they’re half right,” Stokes said, chuckling.

“But look what they gave us,” Nick said. “Two trucks.”

“Yeah. What the fuck?”

“Cody Parcelle drives a black Dodge Ram truck. Luc Mercier drives a black Dodge Ram.”

“But who the hell is the light-colored truck?”

“Dozer Cormier drives a white Chevy pickup, but I don’t see how he would fit in that scenario. He doesn’t get along with Luc. He knows Cody Parcelle, but if Cody killed Marc, I don’t see Dozer helping him out. Marc’s his best friend. Although he’s certainly keeping secrets. I need to lean on him a little harder today.”

“Oh, shit,” Stokes said, stopping in his tracks.

Nick held up, looking at him. “What?”

“There was a white pickup parked outside the Parcelles’ barn last night,” he said. “Now, I know you can’t swing a dead cat by the tail in south Louisiana without hitting a white pickup, but…This could explain why the body was half naked and why the lover hasn’t spoken up. We know what time Marc Mercier left Outlaw. Tulsie Parcelle says she went home about that same time, but what if she didn’t? What if she went and met Marc? Cody follows her, catches them together,BOOM!Then he beats the shit out of her and makes her go with him to dispose of her lover’s body. He tells her to keep her mouth shut or this is what happens to her, too.”

“That’s a lot of puzzle pieces fitting together,” Nick conceded.

He’d been looking at the possibility of a love triangle. Just maybe the wrong one.

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