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“Don’t say it.” His mom held up her hands. “Just give me a break here. You three have already stirred up enough trouble.”

She didn’t have to specify whattroubleshe was talking about.

“Trisha was not our fault,” Pax argued, a little hurt his mom would imply otherwise. He dropped into the seat Elena had previously occupied with a grunt. The three of them hadn’t doneanything wrong but he still felt like they were being punished. “She knew exactly what we were offering when she—”

His mom cleared her throat, interrupting him. “And from what I heard, the three of you were warned she was clingy before you took her home.More than once.”

Pax winced at that truth. The other club members had tried to tell the three of them what a bad idea it was to take Trisha home that night, but they hadn’t been sober enough to take any of it seriously. Their dicks had been calling the shots that evening, not their brains.

“You boys should have known better.”

The disappointment in her tone made him feel like a kid again.

“We didn’t think she’d cling tous,” he groaned, dropping his head back onto the chair with a thunk. He knew that sounded like a cop out, but it was the honest truth. They’d seen her fucking other members and walking away with no problems—at least on the surface. Trisha seemed like a good time—the type you enjoy for a night and maybe hook up with again depending on how things go. They hadn’t known the full situation until it was too late. “Before any of this shit started, Vinyl told her outright that we were just fucking around. We all did. We couldn’t have made it any clearer. Tanner told her to her face she was just a piece of—”

“I don’t need the details,” his mom yelped, covering her ears. “I already know too much about what you boys get up to without having to hear anything more. Just leave Elena be, okay?”

“I thought you liked her?” he asked, his brow furrowed. He figured his mom would have jumped at the chance to have him date someone she got along with. The women his trio had been involved with in the past had never gotten her approval.

“I do,” she answered with a nod as she shuffled through a stack of papers on her desk. “That’s why I don’t want you to mess around with her. She deserves more.”

“Ouch, Momma.” Pax clutched his chest as if he’d been stabbed. Thathadactually hurt to hear despite him playing it off.

“You know what I mean.” She pointed a finger at him as if he were still a child. “I love you, honey, but you need to listen to me. That girl has already been through hell and you boys aren’t going to give her another tour.”

“Who’s to say that would happen?” he asked defensively.

Why were they automatically the bad guys? Pax and the others didn’t have a string of broken hearts in their past. The trio had always been clear where they stood. They’d never misled any of their fuck buddies despite the tales that Trisha was spinning.

“Because it always happens.” She tapped her nails against her desk and gave him a look. “Are you ready to settle down?”

“Does it matter?” he asked instead of answering her question. The topic of settling down with one woman would normally make him bolt but things felt different now. Putting down roots and starting a family wasn’t something he’d considered in the past but that was before meeting Elena.

“When it comes to Elena it does,” his mom informed him bluntly. She softened it with a smile. “She’s not the type you walk away from, son. From what she shared with me today, too many people have already done that to her, and I’m not going to let you three add to the lot. The poor girl doesn’t need any more heartbreak.”

“You’re seriously warning me off?” He loved and respected his mom, but her answer wasn’t going to change his mind.

“I am.” She nodded and clasped her hands together atop her desk. “She’s a sweetheart, Pax.”

“I could tell,” he sighed, running a hand through his hair in frustration. He could see his mom wasn’t going to budge.

“You, Tanner, and Vinyl could break her heart and I’m not going let that happen.”

“Gee. Thanks, Mom.” Every time she said it was like a kick to the stomach.

“Watch your tone when you’re talking to your mom, son.”

Pax turned to see one of his dads leaning against the open doorway.

“Sorry, Mom,” he apologized.

She waved a dainty hand at him. “I’m sorry if I hurt your feelings.”

“What’s going on in here?” Archer asked, bumping Vinnie out of the way so he could walk into the office.

“Nothing,” Taffy assured him with a smile. “We were just talking about Elena. I offered her the job and she’s starting on Monday.”

“Now, son.” Vinnie clapped a hand on Pax’s shoulder. “That girl there is the type you boys need to settle down with.”

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