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“It’s good to see you too, bitch.” Elena hip checked her now giggling bestie into the stack of boxes stored behind the register.

“You know that’s not what I meant,” she defended, trying to steady the now wobbling stack. The moment they were stable, she turned around and crossed her arms. “But seriously, what are you doing here? I figured you’d be finishing off the weekend with the guys. Is everything okay?”

“Everything’s fine,” she answered with a little wave of her hand. “And believe me, if my guys had their way, I’d still be at their place.”

“Again,” her best friend said with a dumfounded look, “I gotta ask. What are you doing here?”


“Go!” Marisol pointed at the door, not letting her finish.


“You have three, hot as fuck guys, wanting to sex you up—” Her friend paused dramatically as if to compose herself. “And you come here? To Medina’s?”

“It’s a school night,” Elena told her with a teasing grin. She should have known Marisol was going to have something to say about it. Her best friend was predictable…and a little crazy. “Plus, I haven’t been home since Friday afternoon. The place is a wreck.”

And considering her Friday night date had lasted until Sunday afternoon, a little break was probably a good thing. The four of them needed a breather; not only for the sake of her vagina and jaw but also because she had shit to do.

Something she’d told them straight up when they asked her to sleep over again.

Her love life may be a fantasy, but the rest of her predictable existence was planted firmly in reality. The list of errands she had to squeeze into the rest of her Sunday was not something she could put off any longer. Once she got back to the house, there was even more to get done including a mountain of laundry. She’d be starting her work week in dirty clothes if she didn’t get at least one load done before tomorrow morning.

“A school night?” Marisol echoed with a giggle.

“I have to be at the garage tomorrow morning by seven. So yes, it’s a school night. And the only reason I came by was to grab my work badge.” She pointed to the kitchen, assuming that’s where she’d left it. “After this I have one more stop and then it’s laundry. Lots and lots of fucking laundry.”

“You’re excused then,” Marisol allowed with a smile before giving her a frown. “I didn’t see a badge in the back though and I’m pretty sure I would have. Ricky’s been cleaning and reorganizing the kitchen between customers and it’s practicallysparkling. He even found that lip gloss I lost a few months ago. I don’t know how it ended up in the freezer, but it’s thawed out now.”


“Yup. The only thing I saw in your pile was that bottle of nail polish you brought in last month.”

“Well, shit.” Elena dropped her head back and let out a tired sigh. The last thing she needed tonight was having to hunt down her missing employee badge. “I’ll double check.”

“Wait!” Marisol interrupted, snagging her arm as she made for the door. She guided Elena to the sole employee stool and blocked her in. The smile she’d been wearing earlier was nowhere to be seen. “While you’re here…”

“’Sol?” Elena eyed her friend nervously. She hadn’t seen Marisol this on edge since the latest season ofBridgertonwas about to drop.

“Tell me everything,” Marisol ordered, gesturing for Elena to give it to her. “I want to know it all. Nothings too personal...and that includes length, girth, and stamina.”

“Sol!” Elena laughed, her cheeks burning.

“Don’t ‘‘Sol’ me,” Marisol warned with a shake of her head. “Do you know how long it’s been since I’ve gotten any?”

Elena winced at the reminder that her best friend had been suffering through a dry spell for almost twice as long as she had. At this point, her spilling the beans would almost qualify as community service.

“I want details. Every wrinkle, every vein, the number of times you c—”

The kitchen door slammed open with a bang, making both the girls jump.


“Jesus Christ, Ricky!!” Marisol smacked her brother’s shoulder as she cursed him. “What the fuck’s wrong with you?”

“I’d say a lot,” Elena said under her breath, trying to calm her racing heart.

“Hey, Lena,” he said with a wince, unable to dodge his sister’s hand. “I didn’t know you were coming in today.”

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