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That was the million-dollar question and one she had no answer to. When she was around her guys, her brain went into stand-by mode, letting her emotions and instincts lead the way. It was a wild ride that she had zero control over, exhilarating but also super fucking scary. She reacted to how they made her feel instead of thinking things through which made for some crazy decisions. This last week was proof of that when she went home bare-assed after losing her panties to Tanner over lunch. It was something she’d never considered a possibility before her trio, now, she kept a spare pair of undies in her giant bag.

Pax, Tanner, and Vinyl had her feelingallthe feels.

The guys weren’t the only thing reeling her in either. After seeing what the Iron Seeds MC had built out in the middle of nowhere, she never wanted to leave.

It was awesome. It had everything you could think of—including a tiny library that made her bookworm heart melt the second she saw it. The private neighborhood they’d created was more or less a small town minus the grocery store and gas station. There was a mixture of old farmhouses and newer built homes filling the wide-open space. The guys had told her the large, modern houses were occupied by the members with families with everyone else filling the smaller cabins. She hadn’t had a chance to see their place yet, but it sounded just as awesome as the rest of the compound. It was obvious the club had put a lot of thought into building a safe haven for both their biker members as well as the families they had. There was no part that wasn’t impressive. Even the barn they were in right now, converted to an indoor/outdoor picnic area and bar, was rad as fuck. It was nicer than some of the professional venues Medina’s had catered in the past. She could only imagine the parties they had. It was the perfect hangout for the big crowd she’d met tonight, giving the adults a place away from the kids while still being able to supervise. Now that she thought about it, the vibe here reminded her of hanging out with the family. The familiar sense of community felt like a big hug welcoming her home. She loved it.

She could easily see herself spending lots of time here with her bikers, ignoring all the problems the outside world had waiting.

Which was more tempting than she’d expected it to be.

Elena looked around for her dates, still not sure how to bring up the worries clouding her head. No matter how much she tried, she couldn’t ignore them.

Despite Marisol’s insistence that their poly relationship wasn’t affecting Medinas, the doubts plaguing her wouldn’t go away. It didn’t help that she’d maybe kinda sorta, overheardMamma J talking to ‘Sol’s older brother about their recent numbers.

She didn’t need to speak Spanish to understand that things wereno bueno. With the economy in the crapper, Medina’s had been walking a tightrope to keep afloat. The almost complete loss of business had hit the shop like a well-aimedchankla, knocking the feet out from under them. After adding up the amount of fresh ingredients that had spoiled this last week while sitting in the kitchen, the shop was operating at a loss. It was a blow they hadn’t expected or been prepared for. From what she was able to overhear, Marisol’s parents had to dig deep to cover the entire family’s wages—because literally every Medina worked there. If business didn’t pick up, they’d all be fucked.

And she blamed herself.

It may not entirely be her fault, but Elena took some of the blame. She knew in her gut that the timing wasn’t a coincidence. Luckily, she’d been working enough hours at the garage to be able to tell Mamma J not to worry about covering her paycheck. The amount was a drop in the bucket compared to their loss, but she knew it would help. Other than that, she had no idea what she was going to do but something had to give.

“Hey,” Pax said, walking up to picnic table she’d claimed on the outskirts of the big crowd. He sat next to her, close enough for their legs to touch. “How long have you been over here? I thought I’d have to pry Odette away from you with a crowbar.”

“You just missed her,” Elena told him with an easy smile, appreciating the distraction from her heavy thoughts. He was right about prying Odette away. The woman she’d met earlier had become an instant friend. They’d already made plans to get together when life managed to slow down a bit.

“Seriously though, I didn’t realize you were alone or I else I would have found you sooner.” Pax put his arm around her and gave a little squeeze. “I’m sorry.”

“No worries,” she assured him. Her new friend, a wife to two Iron Seeds, had been filling her in on the compound gossip until she’d had to pee. “Odette literally just left to hit the ladies.”

“You like her?”

“I do,” she said with a nod. The women had a lot in common including a quirky sense of humor. “She reminds me of Marisol, only white.”

Pax chuckled, his laughter shaking the bench they were sitting on.

“You having fun?” Tanner interrupted as he moseyed towards them with a handful of beers. Vinyl was just a step or two behind carrying a gigantic platter of sweets.

“I’m having a blast,” she answered, taking in the new smudges of dirt both were wearing on their previously clean shirts. “What have you two been up to? You guys disappeared.”

“Sorry, babe.” Tanner dropped a kiss on her lips as he handed her a fresh drink. “We had to unload a trailer.”

“That explains the dirt.” Elena’s fingers brushed at one of the streaks across his pec. It wasn’t moving. “What’d you have to unload?”

“A bunch of shit,” he answered, giving her hand a loving squeeze.

“A few members from Colorado cleaned out one of our storage units and drove it down.” Vinyl placed the platter on the picnic table and moved in for a quick peck as soon as Tanner stepped out of the way. “They wanted to head back first thing so we helped empty it as fast as we could; might be a little sweaty.”

“I don’t mind,” Elena promised, leaning into him when he sat beside her. Having a man on each side, blocking her in, sent a zing down her spine. She knew it was wicked but loved being the filling in their sandwich. As if the sensation of Vinyl’s damp muscles through the sleeve of his shirt on one side and Pax’s firm presence on the other wasn’t already enough, Tanner reminded her she had one more man.

“Believe me,” he rumbled, stepping forward until he was at her knees. His big body boxed her in, closing the circuit they’d created. “We can tell.”

“Of course you can,” she breathed. There was no way she could hide the effect they had on her. Their nearness was so intoxicating she was tempted to run her hands over the beads of perspiration covering their skin. It put thoughts in her head, images of the four of them shiny and straining.

She had more than one fantasy that kept her hot and bothered.

One of her favorite things to do was peek into the garage towards the end of the day when the guys were all shiny and smudged with grease from working. It was even better when she had her headphones on; imagining the view was her own personal music video. “I kinda like you sweaty.”

“You haven’t seen us sweaty,” he growled back teasingly. His arm went over her shoulder and he squeezed her close.

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