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“Pfft,” Marisol snorted. “I don’t have the time to seeoneman much less multiple. With school, this place, and the family, I’m tapped out. I couldn’t, even if I wanted to. Plus, can you imaginemetrying to pull that shit off with my mom. She may be okay with you getting triple-dicked but she sure as hell would have a problem if I tried it.”

“Triple-dicked?” she snickered, unable to help herself.

“What would you call it?” Marisol defended with a look. “There’s three dicks.”

“Touche’,” Elena replied with a nod. “So, no setting you up. Got it.”

“Ugh,” the other woman groaned, her hand going to her lower belly. “The Tylenol I took earlier needs to kick in before these cramps take me out.”

“Yikes.” While she knew the feeling, it wasn’t something Elena had had to deal with in the last few years. The birth control she took daily made her skip the normal monthly hell that women went through. It was a major bonus in her opinion.

“This month has been awful. My hormones are making me rage and I’m angry at everything.” Marisol turned to glare at the receipt machine on the counter, “I’ll let you know now, if that printer decides to fuck with me again, IT’S ON. I will take it out to the street andOffice Spaceit to hell and back.”

“Wow,” Elena blinked, completely distracted from the crisis she was having in her head a few seconds ago. She needed to give everyone a heads-up not to mess with Marisol today. Her friend looked ready to stomp the fuck out of that poor, unsuspecting printer.

“I’m going to go warn Ricky before he has a chance to do anything that he’d normally do, okay?”

“Wait a minute,” Marisol said, grabbing the corner of Elena’s sleeve before she could escape. “First, you’re going to tell me what’s going on. One minute you’re smiling and the next, you look like someone ran over your dog.”

“I don’t have a dog,” she sighed, sinking into the lone chair they had behind the counter. She really didn’t want to have this conversation.

“What’s the deal?”

Instead of answering, Elena ducked her head down to rest on the counter and shrugged.

“Are you freaking out over how they’re making you feel, is that it? Marisol nudged her with an elbow. “Because I know you and I know that big feelings scare the shit out of you.”

Elena grumbled back a smooshed harumph without moving, her face still smashed against the counter. The clean scent ofFabulosotickled her nose as she thought about her three bikers.

Marisol was a little right.

Pax, Tanner, and Vinyl stirred emotions in Elena that she’d never felt before. It was terrifying. She wasn’t sure how it’d happened, but the guys had wiggled themselves into her life. And they’d done it with an ease that she still found a little frightening. Since that first date, they’d established a comfortable routine she still found surreal sometimes. The threeof them picked her up every morning for work—despite her car being fixed—and once they got to the shop, she saw them throughout the entire day. It had surprised her at first but now she was looking forward to the encounters. An hour didn’t go by that one of them didn’t swing by to check on her in the office. Sometimes they’d come in with a made-up task, other times they’d blatantly admit their visits were manufactured just to see her again. It was so sweet it should have made her nauseous, not blush like a cartoon character with hearts for eyes. It also didn’t escape her notice that their behavior was pretty much a carbon copy of what Taffy had to deal with when it came to Pax’s fathers. The only difference was that Taffy only had two men fawning over her while Elena had three.

She still couldn’t believe it. Even now, after multiple Hallmark worthy moments with her men, she still wanted to pinch herself.

It was as if she were starring in a real-life daydream…as long as she ignored all the judgy bitches that seemed to be popping out of the woodwork lately.

Since going public, the general atmosphere around her had slowly changed. At first, it wasn’t very noticeable, just a niggling feeling that she was the topic of discussion. Which was pretty much what she expected, at least to some degree. Now, after a full week of disgusted looks and harsh whispers, it wasn’t getting any better. If anything, it was getting worse. There were evenmoreglares and nasty whispers when Elena walked by, and they’d given up any pretense of politeness.

The funny thing was that none of that bullshit really bothered her. Other than the select group of humans she cared about, she generally didn’t give a fuck if she was liked or not. When it came to the Medinas though, things were different.

“This is all my fault,” Elena whispered, wishing she could think of a fix that wasn’t going to end up breaking her heart in the long run.

“What’s your fault?” Marisol’s brows scrunched together in question.

“This,” she answered, swinging her arm in the direction of the empty taco shop. “Don’t tell me you haven’t noticed it, ‘Sol. This place has been dead all week.”


“Seriously?” She tossed her hands in the air. “Before word got out about me and the guys, this place was taking orders twenty- four seven. This week nada. I’ve been shunned and I’m taking ya’ll with me.”

Her bestie rolled her eyes. “You haven’t been shunned.”

“Wha—are you kidding me right now?” Elena couldn’t believe her ears. There was no way her friend wasthatblind. Their drop in business was enough to give you whiplash.

“You’re being dramatic.”

“I’m not being dramatic!” she argued, her voice growing louder. “Vinyl dropped me off with a kiss on the cheek yesterday and there were audible gasps from the peanut gallery standing outside.Audible gasps, Sol.I was scared to even look at him today when he walked me here.”

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