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She had to keep her eye on the ball and her mind off the balls of the men eying her up and down. This job was too important for her not to.

“I only have one packet. Maybe she left the other two in her office,” Elena mumbled. No matter how much shuffling she did, she couldn’t find more paperwork needing to be signed.

When Taffy had come through earlier, she’d been running around like a chicken with her head cut off. Her boss had been in such a hurry; Elena hadn’t had time to process most of what she’d said before the woman disappeared out the back door.

Now she couldn’t help but worry that she’d missed something major.

Tanner stilled her busy hands where they’d been shuffling things around. “We’re not here to sign anything.”

“Oh,” she breathed. That was a relief, but also confusing. “Why?”

“You know why.”

Elena’s eyes shot wide at Pax’s growl as he moved closer.

“We’re here for you,” Vinyl added, his eyes locked on her.

She swallowed hard—and then choked on her own spit. That was not what she’d been expecting him to say.

“Are you okay?” Pax asked, smacking her on the back as she coughed and wheezed.

“I’m—” She had the breath knocked out of her on his next wallop.

“She’ll be fine once you stop beating her to death,” Vinyl interfered with a huff, moving the other man out of the way. He rubbed her back in gentle circles as she tried to catch her breath.

“Sorry,” she rasped, clearing her throat. “Can we start over?”

“I’d love to start over,” Tanner tossed out from where he was still standing by the door. “Can we rewind all the way back to this morning?”

She blinked, a little uncomfortable. It was obvious what he was referring to. And judging by the matching expression his two friends were wearing, Tanner had filled them in on all the details.

“How about we just forget that ever happened?” she suggested, attempting to keep her tone light. Her goal was to sound as unbothered as possible despite the confusing emotions filling her up, but she had a feeling she failed miserably.

“All of it or just the pictures?” Tanner asked, watching her closely. “Because I’d like to clear that part up if you’ll let me.”

She sank down into the chair at her desk to think.

“If you’ll letus,” Pax clarified with a step forward. “We’re in this together.”

“I noticed,” she agreed with snort, her cheeks burning hot. She fussed with the red stapler on her desk, attempting to keep her anxious hands busy. The image of theirtogethernesswas something she wouldn’t forget any time soon.

“Just so you know,” Vinyl began, pulling up a chair on the other side of her desk. “We didn’t know those photos existed, much less ask for them. We were stupid and hooked up with her once, months ago. Since then, she’s been fixated on us.”

Elena blinked, a little stunned by his bluntness. She wasn’t sure quite what she’d expected him to say but it sure as hell hadn’t been that.

“She’s watched waaaay too much Sons of Anarchy,” Tanner added with a grimace. “The way she acts…it’s obvious she needs help.”

“Part of the reason we moved back was to put some distance between her and us. Everyone thought it might help.” Pax ran a hand through his dirty blonde hair. “We don’t know how she even got Tanner’s new number. None of our friends would have given it to her; they all know what we’ve been dealing with.”

“If we had a bunny, she would have boiled it,” Vinyl told her, his expression completely serious.

Elena eyed all three, attempting to sort through the information they were firing at her.

“You’re going with the ‘crazy ex’ excuse?” She wrinkled her nose at them. As if she hadn’t heard that one before. “That gives major ick.”

“We swear to god, we’re not making this shit up.” Pax nodded towards the huge office phone on the corner of her desk. “You can call my mom and ask for yourself. It’s not a secret why we came back. She actually helped us get things going.”

Elena’s expression turned thoughtful. “You guys are serious, aren’t you? You’ve got a fangirl stalking you?”

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