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She had to have acquired a cursed object or broken a mirror because nothing was going as planned today. The original plan had been to have lunch in her car and that was obviously no longer an option. Finding a spot in the break room was a no-go as well. She’d considered it for a hot second when she’d popped in there to grab her lunch from the fridge but had changed her mind just as fast. The tiny room had been filled with an overwhelming array of attractive men, the massive amounts of testosterone in the air practically choking her.

“Then what happened?”

“Absolutely nothing.” Elena sighed, unable to keep the disappointment she felt about the whole thing inside. The scene with Tanner this morning was bugging her more than she’d expected, all things considered. She had no reason to be jealous. “I told him not to worry about the ride and got out of there like my ass was on fire.”

“Did he say anything?” Marisol asked after a moment.

“Nope,” she answered with a shake of her head even though her friend wasn’t there to see it. It was embarrassing how disappointed she’d been when that picture had come through. She felt foolish. Even if Tanner had tried to explain things, it wouldn’t have done much good. “He looked like he wanted to, but I didn’t give him a chance.”

“You know you’re not going to be able to avoid him forever, right?”

“I know,” she groaned dramatically, once again wishing she could scrub the entire thing from her memory and pretend it never happened. That’s all she wanted to do. She didn’t know how she was supposed to look Tanner in the eye again after seeing him balls deep in some blonde bitch. Just thinking about it made her feel icky. “I might try though.”

“What about Pax?” Marisol asked, reminding Elena again that she had more than one Iron Seed member to worry about. “Does he know what happened?”

“I have no idea,” she answered, cringing at the thought. She really hoped he didn’t, but with her luck, he totally did. Now she really felt sick. “Ughhhh.”

“Everything’s going to be fine,” her friend immediately reassured her. “Breathe in…breath out. Are you breathing?”

“Unfortunately,” she mumbled around the last of her staleCheetos. She made a face as she swallowed the offensive curl. There was nothing more disappointing than stale puffs. “Is the universe punishing me? Do you remember me breaking a mirror?”

“What?” Marisol asked, obviously confused.

“Is this karma for not putting quarters into the jar for Jamal’s surgery?” Elena thought of all the suckers she’d stolen from the fundraising candy spinner at Medina’s. That would have brought some bad karma for sure. “I was going to pay for them…eventually.”

“Are you having a stroke or something?”

“I’m not having a stroke,” she promised with an eyeroll before taking a sip of water to clear out the disgustingly disappointing lunch she’d forced down. “This is a fucking mess.”

“It’s not that bad,” her bestie argued unsuccessfully.

“Don’t lie,” she groaned back. After everything that had happened so far, it was best to brace for the worst-case scenario. “What am I going to do?”

This morning’s snafu had opened her eyes in more ways than one. She had already assumed Pax was most likely into the whole sharing thing; it was pretty much a given. What she hadn’t expected was to see digital proof of himin flagrantewith absolutely no warning.

It was a punch to the stomach.

“I think you should make the first move and talk to them about it. You know, just be cool.”

Elena pulled the phone away from her ear for a second and looked at the screen to verify it was actually her best friend on the phone.

“Are you fucking crazy?” she asked, unable to believe her ears. “That’s the worst idea ever!”

“You’re going to keep freaking out—”

“I saw them with their dicks in a hot blonde, ‘Sol,” she hissed, trying to ignore the image that popped into her head at the painful reminder. “I was literally mid-fucking-flirt when that text popped up. You’d freak out too.”

“You have a point,” Marisol agreed after a moment of silence. “I don’t think you’ll be able to avoid them though. Not forever.”

“I know.” Elena closed her eyes and leaned back against the bench. The headache she’d had early this morning was back and stronger than ever.

“I’ve gotta go, ‘Lena.” The familiar sound of hungry customers filtered over the phone. “Love ya.”

“Love ya more.”

Elena wished she could say that talking to her sister-from-another-mister had helped her figure out her next move, but it hadn’t. If anything, she was now even more anxious.


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