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“Yeah,” she sighed. Shit did happen. It just seemed that she had more than her fair share lately. “I’m just tired of it all happening to me.”

The reminder on her phone beeped, letting her know she only had ten minutes to figure out what she was going to do before she was officially late.

“I’ve got to go.”

“Okay. Text me and let me know what happens. I’m getting ready to go into class.”

After a quick goodbye, Elena pulled up the Iron Seeds Garage contact info. She clicked on the phone number attached to their business page, crossing her fingers that she wasn’t about to get fired before her first shift.

“Iron Seeds, how can I help you?”

She blinked. Whoever it was they had answering phones had such a low voice it sent shivers down her spine.


“Sorry,” she apologized with a nervous laugh.This was already off to a cringeworthy start.She had to get it together. “Hi! Can I speak to Taffy please?”

“Who’s this?” he asked gruffly.

“Elena.” She swallowed hard. “I’m her new assistant. Today’s actually my first day…if I can ever get there.”

She mumbled the last part but there was no way the man on the other end could miss it.

“What’s goin’ on, honey?”

Elena blinked. His voice had lowered even more if that was possible, mesmerizing her. She wondered if he ever thoughtabout narrating romance novels because he’d be perfect for it. Gruff but still sexy. She could sit and listen to him talk forever.

“What do you need?”

Her insides warmed at the innocent questions, surprising her.

That was weird.


“Oh,” she said quickly, realizing she hadn’t answered yet like a goober. She rolled her eyes at herself. “My car won’t start…well, actually it’s my roommate’s car but that doesn’t change the fact that it won’t start. I was hoping to let Taffy know I’m going to be late and maybe get it towed?”

“Sure thing, darlin’.” The sound of rustling paper filled the line. “What’s the address? I can come right now.”

“You’ll come?” she repeated, her voice higher than normal. While she was jonesing to know what Mr. Mesmerizing looked like, it also made her nervous. She’d painted a vague picture of him in her head based off his voice and the expectations she had were high. There was no way he was going to live up to them and that was a bummer. With the luck she’d had lately, the guy probably had four teeth and a combover.

“Yep. Right after I let Taffy know what’s going on, I’ll head your way.”

“Wait,” she said, before he could do anything. Her money was so tight, she may not have enough to cover getting the car to the shop. Especially since her rental was considered ‘out of town’, making everything more expensive. She was embarrassed to admit it, but she might have to ask Taffy to take it out of her first paycheck depending on the amount—ifshe still even had a job. “Can you give me an idea how much it’ll cost?”

The line was silent for a few seconds.

“You work here, right?” he asked after a beat.

“If I can ever get there,” she answered, checking her watch again. She was supposed to be on the clock in three minutes and that obviously wasn’t going to happen. “And if Taffy doesn’t fire me.”

“She’s not going to fire you,” he reassured her with a rumbling chuckle.

“Then yes, I work there.”

“Don’t worry about the cost,” he ordered firmly. “We’re not going to charge you. If I’m wrong, I’ll cover it myself. Now, where am I picking you up?”

Elena wasn’t exactly sure what was happening right now, but she wasn’t about to question it. She rattled off the address and sat down on the front porch to wait. She was so worried she was going to get fired, she was sweating. Fanning her pits anxiously, she tried to distract herself by imagining what her rescuer might look like.

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