Page 42 of Simmering Heat

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It had been almost an entire month since the fight with her parents.

For four weeks, Jazz had ignored their ridiculous demands to ‘open her eyes’ and ‘stop acting so childish’ on a nonstop loop. Recently, they’d somewhat relented and requested that she bring ‘that boy’ to dinner at the house. It wasn’t ideal, but she couldn’t help but be hopeful that maybe this would be the beginning of something good. If not, she had no problem taking Leo’s hand and walking away from it all. She didn’t want to have to choose, but when it came down to it, there wasn’t one for her to make. Leo was it for her.

Looking over at the man in question, she let out a sigh at the sight of the muscles in his arms moving as he steered his big truck into the driveway of her parents’ home. Those damn arms got her tingling every single time.

“Are you ready for a shit show?” Leo’s musings snapped her out of the familiar place her mind tended to wander when she sat and stared at him.

It was something that she seriously couldn’t help whenever she gazed at the gorgeousness that was her man.

Lifting one shoulder and trying to play it cool, she nodded. “Yep.”

Somehow, he managed to park and give her the “are you kidding me” look at the same time. “Really?”

“I mean, it’s not like they’re going to say anything new,” she told him with a frown.

“Are you sure?”

“Not really, but there’s nothing they can say that would change my mind about us.” Jazz let out a heavy sigh. “I don’t want to choose but I will if they make me.”

“I’m here for you, sugar. You want to leave, we leave. Okay?”

Once she nodded, Leo leaned over and gave her a kiss that soon turned into a tangle of tongues that had her semi climbing the center console.

When she finally broke away, partially because she couldn’t breathe with her ribs pressed up against the cup holders, she got an eyeful of the erection that he was sporting. There was no way that was going to go unnoticed. “Maybe we should wait a couple of minutes before getting out.”

He made a pained face. “Yeahhh, that’s probably a good idea.” He reached down and adjusted the hard bar of his cock that was making his jeans tight.

Her eyes widened when he squeezed the thickness.

“That looks painful,” she whispered, wetting her lips.

He let out a groan and covered his eyes. “If you lick your lips again, we’re going to end up driving down the road so we can take care of this painful problem, you little troublemaker.”

“What if we got caught?” she breathed, imagining the fallout that would come from something like that. “Oh my God, my parents would absolutely die.I would die.”

Leo didn’t answer, he just started chuckling.

Jazz smacked his arm. “It’s not funny.”

“C’mon, sugar. Don’t tell me you’ve never gotten caught necking before,” he teased, the smile falling off his face the longer he looked at her. “Seriously? You’ve never been caught fooling around by your parents?”

She shook her head no.

“What about by anybody?” he probed further. “Ever get caught in the movie theater or out parking?”

“No and no,” she answered, folding her hands in her lap.

“Sugar,” he drawled, reaching over to lace his fingers with her own. “I think that’s something we need to rectify. It’s a rite of passage.”

“A rite of passage?” she scoffed, trying not to laugh outright at his attempts to lure her into being naughty. “That’s the argument you’re going to use to get me to go parking?”

“No, that’s the argument I’m going to use for us to find a way at some point to fuck in the backseat,” he promised with a wink.

“We are NOT going to have sex in the backseat!” she laughed, the idea thrilling her as much as it scared her.

“We aresogoing to have sex in the backseat. Just not right now.” With that parting shot, Leo climbed out of the truck.

Her jaw dropped open. “You can’t be serious.”

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