Page 22 of Simmering Heat

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Leo knew they’d try, but this time things would be different. The boy they’d warned away all those years ago had grown up and the man he was today wasn’t about to go down without a fight. He was more than ready to face them if he had to.

“She’s worth it.”

Chapter 13

The minute the restroom door closed, Jazz turned to Winter in pure panic mode.

“What the fuck was that?” she whispered in shock. Was it her imagination or was Leo acting like they weretogether, together? “Am I going crazy?”

Winter gave her an odd look before walking into one of the stalls.

“Aren’t you going to say anything?” Jazz asked, unable to believe her was choosing this moment to keep her lips zipped. “You always have something to say!”

“Give me a minute to think, psycho! I’m still assessing the situation.” Winter flushed the toilet and swung open the door. She moved to the sinks with a thoughtful expression on her face. “He’s obviously into you, he’s hot, and he’s single. We also know he’s not a serial killer—”

“I already know all that!” Jazz interrupted. She waved her hand to activate the paper towel dispenser for her friend with a harrumph.

“Then why’re you freaking out?” Winter took the towels that she handed her with a quick, “Thanks.”

“You’re welcome, and I don’t know.” She slumped against the bathroom wall dramatically.

“How is this bad? I honestly can’t remember the last time I saw you this worked up over a guy and from what I can tell, its more than mutual.” Winter paused and wiggled her eyebrows. “You needed to get laid, and the perfect candidate is out there right now. Stop freaking out.”

Jazz stood there for a second, thinking it over. The list of pros outweighed the cons by a landslide. “I guess you’re right, but what if I get attached? I don’t want to date a firefighter.”

“Thatisa problem….” Winter tapped a finger against her chin. “How about you lay out some ground rules and keep it casual only? I mean, if you go into it knowing that it’s not going any further than just some fun in the sack, what harm could there be?”

“I don’t know.” She chewed on her lip for a second, wondering if she could really pull off having her cake and eating it too.Leo being the cake in this scenario.The crush she on him when she was younger was definitely still there, but maybe that’s all it was.

“Just keep it light. You can do that, right?”

“Maybe?” Jazz answered, still not sure if she was going to be able to guard her heart from the dimpled hunk of gorgeous man that was able to drive her crazy by just looking at her.

“If you’re not into Leo, there’s always Nix. I heard him talking to Will about asking you out the other day.” Winter opened the bathroom door and started to lead them back to the table. “I heard through the grapevine he might be ready to settle down.”

“Nix? Really?” She blinked, more than a little surprised. It was hard to believe what her friend was telling her. First, Nix didn’t seem the type to settle down—ever. No, Phoenix “Nix” Jones was a big guy who worked hard and played even harder.According to the rumor mill. Second, the man had never looked twice at her. There was no way he was interested. “We’re talking about the same Nix, right?”

“How many guys do you know named Nix?” Winter asked with raised brows.

“What about Nix?” Leo asked as they sat down, obviously having overheard the women on their way back to the table.

“Oh, just that Nix was asking about Jazz,” Winter announced with a shrug.

Leo leaned back and folded his arms over his wide chest. His eyes narrowed on Winter.

“Really?” he probed. “When was this?”

Will chuckled. “Take it easy, man. Nix was just wanting to know if she was single still. He didn’t realize that you and Jazz were a thing.”

“Wait, we’re a thing?” Jazz asked.

“Sugar, if I have to remind you of how much of athingwe are, we may need to have a little bit of privacy,” Leo drawled. He reached over and closed her mouth with a soft nudge to her chin. “Just say when.”

“When,” she answered in a whisper before she could talk herself out of it.

In a blink, Leo had her hand in his and she was getting pulled to her feet.

“That should be enough to cover our half,” he told Will dropping a couple twenties on the table before hustling her out the door.

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