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He smirks and shakes his head. He opens his arms for a hug, and I give in one last time. I watch as John crosses through security and walks to the gates.

I turn toward the exit but only make it a couple steps when I hear someone calling my name. “LUCY! LUCY!”

It’s John yelling and waving at me from his side of the security gate. As I walk toward him, John hands something to a guard and points to me. The guard catches up to me and hands me a white box. I look down, and it’s a charger for my phone.

I look up to find John and yell, “Thank you!”

He replies, “Merry Christmas!” And turns back to his gate.

Bursting through my apartment door, before I even take my coat off, I run to the nearest outlet in my kitchen and plug the phone in to charge. When it doesn’t immediately come back to life, I decide to take a quick shower. It’s the perfect opportunity to wash off all the nonsense from John and get refreshed for what’s to come when I return to Henry’s home.

Still contemplating my next move, I decide to let my phone charge a little longer while I put on something comfortable. On my way to heat up some soup, my phone rings, and I rush over, hoping it’s Henry but disappointed it’s not. It’s Ellie.

“Hello! Merry Christmas,” I answer.

“What is going on? Your mother just told me you called her from John’s phone because he came to London to be with you. How long has the parasite been in the UK? And why didn’t you tell me sooner?”

This is going to be a long conversation, so before I get into it all, I ask, “Can you hold on a minute.” I pull my phone from my face to send Henry a quick text.


Merry Christmas! All is well, John is on his flight, and I was able to find a charger. I’m back at my apartment. Will call you later.

Before I get into it with Ellie, she hands the phone to my mom again, and I wish her and Ellie’s parents a Merry Christmas.

Then for the next two hours, while making andenjoying my soup, I share almost every minute since John’s arrival with Ellie. Yet, I keep the details of my spicy night with Henry from retelling. I like having that memory all to myself.

After we finally hang up, I notice a text from Henry.


Well, that is some very good news. Get some rest and we will catch up tomorrow. Happy Christmas, Lucy.

As much as I’d like to talk with Henry, I’m drained from the past two days. I make my way into bed and finally feel like the weight of having my ex here has been lifted.

Tomorrow is a new day with endless potential.



Christmas morning comes justas it always does with a delightful breakfast of freshly made pancakes, a tradition I started when the boys were young. Now we continue it while everyone stays in their pj’s. Except this year, something is missing…no,someoneis missing.

It’s been roughly three months since meeting Lucy, but this group of five doesn’t feel right anymore without our sixth.

By mid-afternoon, everyone is in their rooms, getting ready for their travels, and I sit in my office to complete the next of my Christmas Day traditions, calling Max.

He answers with a joyous tone, “Merry Christmas, Henry!” Nothing makes Max happier than spending time with his daughters. Now that they are older and have busy lives of their own, he spends the entire year waiting to have them home to enjoy the holidays together.

“Merry Christmas, Max! How are the girls doing?”

“Wonderful as always. And the boys? Are they enjoying their holiday? Oh, and Hannah and Mia too?”

I fill him in on all the major events but am careful to leave out the proposal preparations just in case Hannah is walking by my office. I told him about it not long after Oliver told me, but I don’t think his girls know either.

Next, Max asks about Lucy. I go over what has taken place since her arrival on Saturday, only leaving out the more torrid details.

“I haven’t spoken to her since she left and yesterday it was just a few brief texts and a voice message.” I can hear the stress building in my own voice. “I’m thinking of driving back to London after everyone leaves.”

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