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Not waiting to listen to the message, I call her back immediately, but it doesn’t ring. It goes straight to her voicemail.

Hanging up, I listen to the message she left.

“Hi Henry, it’s been a hectic day. I’m sorry to be calling you so late. Everything is fine, but I can’t give you the full story now. My phone battery is about to die, and I forgot the charger at your place. Hopefully, I’ll be able to find a shop that’s open tomorrow to buy another. I’ll call again as soon as I can. Merry Christmas, Henry.”

Hearing her voice settles my nerves. She isn’t avoiding me. She said everything is fine, but didn’t mention John at all. Is he already on his way to the States, or is he squatting in her apartment?

She didn’t sound stressed, only tired.

If something were to happen, she would have no way to reach me. I could get in my car now and drive to her apartment. Not in the middle of the night. She’s probably sleeping already. Now is not the time for me to make these decisions. I’ll try to sleep tonight and hopefully hear back from her first thing.

If not, I’ll go to her.




With one eye open, I feel around until I find the button to silence my alarm clock. I’m still not recovered from yesterday, and I’m certainly not ready to take on today.

I suppose yesterday could have gone worse, but it certainly doesn’t compare to the prior days I’ve spent with Henry.

When we arrive back in the city, we stop at my apartment to get lunch and check the flight schedule. After tons of double and triple checking the air carriers, we realize we missed the only flight directly to the Syracuse airport today. There is an option for a flight with three layovers and it would take almost as long for him to arrive if he just took the flight that leaves this afternoon. As much frustration as he’s causing me, I don’t want to subject anyone to spending that much time in airports and on planes on Christmas Day.

However, there was a line. Just because I have been kind about the flight doesn’t mean I want to spend Christmas Eve with John. I’d rather spend it alone in my apartment, and that’s exactly what I do.

The only hotel that still has rooms also has their restaurant open, and we are able to have dinner before I return to my place. Not that I want to eat with him, but all the other restaurants are closed, and I don’t have much to eat in my apartment.

After dinner, we say our goodbyes, I hand John one of the room keys.

“Keeping the other in case you get lonely?” John asks.

I roll my eyes, “Not in a million years. I doubt my phone battery will survive the night. I won’t be able to call and make sure you’re up in the morning.”

“I can get to the airport myself, no need for you to come.” His tone is deflated.

Could he finally be conceding?

“I would prefer to watch you step onto the plane myself, but since I can’t get through security, I’m at least going to get you to the airport.”

He shakes his head and hits the button for the elevator.

“Good night.”

I turn to leave and hear him yell behind me, “Merry Christmas!”

After a quick shower, I dress and check my phone once more. It’s dead, not turning back on.

I was only able to get a couple of texts to Henry and then a call to him before bed. Not only did I leave my charger at Henry’s house, but I forgot to charge the phone the night before. I suppose that’s Henry’s fault for…distracting me…in the best possible way.

I totally forgive him.

With my coat wrapped tightly around me, I start my walk to John’s hotel, looking for an open shop that could sell a charger.

Christmas morning in London is absolutely beautiful. How I wish my phone had some power left to take photos. With the streets almost empty, there wouldn’t be anyone to feel annoyed with my tourist behavior. No luck with the shops, and the chilly weather is getting the best of me. I finally grab a cab to drop me off in front of John’s hotel.

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