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I’ve spent far too long in the shower. Turning off the scalding hot water, I dress quickly and head down to the kitchen to meet her.

Standing in the same spot I found her the other night, Lucy looks out the window as the sun sets over the snow.

Finn and Mia are at the table whispering about what I can only assume are more proposal preparations. Honestly, I don’t care what they are speaking about. I’m just ecstatic to have an audience for me to put on a show.

I walk up behind Lucy and wrap my arms around her hips, recalling the last time I did this. She stiffens at first, then relaxes against me. Leaning down, I place my chin on her shoulder and follow her gaze.

“I love the snow.” Lucy releases a deep exhale.

Just then, two lights appear to be making their way down the road. As the truck gets closer, it’s clear there is a plow on the front.

“Thank goodness,” she says, “I was beginning to think they weren’t coming.”

“Should be clear for your travels tomorrow,” I reassure her. “Are you sure you don’t want me to come with you?” I ask again, hoping she changed her mind.

“No, I think the entire ordeal will go more smoothly if I go alone.”

While I’d love to insist on accompanying her, I understand this is something she needs to do for herself.

Oliver and Hannah enter the kitchen, with John following behind them.

“What’s on the menu tonight?” Finn comes around the table to lean on the kitchen island.

Begrudgingly, I let Lucy go and begin the dinner preparations. “I planned one more night of Italian before we switch to the Christmas meals tomorrow. Build your own pizza night. I have the dough fresh from a local bakery and I’ll leave out the ingredients for you to choose from.”

Lucy helps me chop up the peppers and mushrooms. Then, I separate the dough and preheat the oven as she shreds the cheese. My mind wonders again what it could be like to have her here for every holiday to come.

Once the ingredients are set out, we step back to allow everyone else to make their own pizzas. I take the opportunity to pull Lucy’s back to my chest. It’s not enough, overcome with my need to be closer to her, I lean forward and kiss her cheek while I wrap my arms around her.

Dinner moves quickly, and as soon as the dishes have been cleared, Oliver suggests a game before bed. Thanks to John’s company we have too many players for most games and can’t switch to teams, as it would still leave John by himselfas he should be.

With Lucy sitting next to mewhere she belongs, she must notice the distaste showing on my face as I look in John’s direction. She places her hand on my leg and pulls me out of my internal disdain.

“Why don’t we sit this one out?” she asks, but I’m too lost in her eyes. We spent the evening sharing endless displays of affection for our audience, but I didn’t even notice if they were looking most of the time. The last few hours have felt so natural. “Henry?” she asks again, “Do you agree?”

“Of course,” I answer. I don’t even remember what the question is, but I agree.

“Yeah, maybe it is time for you two to call it a night. We’ve all witnessed enough of your dallying for one night,” Finn interjects from the opposite side of the table, sitting next to John, who is glaring at me. Finn continues, “Take it upstairs. We’ll see you in the morning.”

Lucy turns to smile at me, and slight sorrow fills me, knowing our intimate touches and excessive flirting will end the moment we are out of the presence of others. She stands and I follow behind her, grabbing her hand while we wish everyone a good night. She walks closer to John but doesn’t release my hand.

“Enjoy your evening, but be sure you are ready to leave first thing,” she instructs him.

He turns and looks up at her as if she is the only person in the room. I’ll be glad to be rid of him. “I can’t believe you’re bowing out so early. It’s not because you know you’ll lose, is it?”

Her brows fall as she responds, “It’s not going to work.”

“Oh really, the Lucy I know wouldn’t turn down a chance to show off her superior game-playing skills…seems to me you’ve lost your touch,” he says as he smiles and moves his gaze up and down her body.

My instincts whisper in my mind to punch this guy square in the jaw. I move closer to her, but she has an answer ready for him. “I’m just done playing your games, John.”That’s my girl.Finn and Mia squeal at the table as John laughs it off but returns his attention to the board game. With her hand in mine, Lucy follows me up the staircase to our room.

Closing the door behind us, I watch Lucy as she moves to the dresser and begins to take her earrings off. I can’t take my eyes off her. Each declaration she makes against him fills me with hope, not to mention how fiercely attractive I find it.

Wanting a front-row view of the show she is unknowingly putting on for me, I sit in the chair next to my fireplace. Silence fills the room as she pulls her sweater over her head to reveal a black fitted tank that blends with her matching leggings to accentuate her perfect hourglass figure.

Fighting my body’s desire to go to her, I reposition myself in the chair, forcing myself not to stand. If I got up, I would be on her in an instant. I want to kiss her again, I need to kiss her again, I need her…

She looks over her shoulder at me. She must have felt my eyes on her. No need to deny it—I meet her gaze and smirk. I may not have confessed my feelings in full to her yet, but I will never hide or deny my interest. She smiles back and asks, “Do you mind if I get ready for bed first?”

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