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She keeps her face looking down, but her eyebrows pop just the slightest. Then, she changes the subject. “Too bad they didn’t realize we shared a bedroom last night. Maybe that would have gotten the shock we were hoping for.”

She finally looks back up at me. “Maybe now that they ‘know,’ I should sleep on the couch. You are their father, and I am their friend. Maybe the insinuation of us sharing a bed would be off-putting for them.”

“No,” I laugh. “We will continue to share a room. As long as you are comfortable with that. They are all adults. I’m sure they can handle the concept of us sharing a bed.”

She nods, “If you say so. Oh, I’ll need to get the rest of my things from John’s room.”

“Let’s get those now. I think I saw him in the garage on the phone on my way in here,” I say, standing and holding a hand out for her to join me. She takes it, and my heart flutters a little. Is she noticing the gestures I am making when others aren’t around? Can she tell what I’m trying to tell her without speaking the words?

As we make our way to the staircase, the anticipation of sharing a room with her again overtakes me. Visions fillmy mind of sleeping next to her and waking up with her in my arms, our bodies becoming intertwined throughout the night.

My need for her is growing stronger every moment. We’ve already broken the seal with the kiss in the kitchen this morning…why not another…why not now?

She only makes it to the first step before I stalk up behind her. Hooking my forearm, holding her tightly around her shapely hips, I pull her forward, flush against my chest. My right hand slowly travels upward, varying pressure from my palm to my fingertips, grazing over her body.

Her mouth-watering cleavage tempts me, peeking out from her low-cut top as I brush over it. I want so much to linger, but this part of her body deserves far more attention than I can offer here on the main staircase.

My thumb hits its destination under her chin, pushing it upward, causing her head to tip back onto my shoulder as my hand closes gently around her neck. Her ass presses against my growing firmness. My hips instinctively push back, creating a tortuous friction that makes me pull her closer against me.

My nose dips to the base of her neck, inhaling her scent.I need more.Pressing my lips to her skin, my tongue darts out to taste her. She shivers as a moan escapes her lips.

I look around to check for an audience, and this time, I am relieved to find we are alone. Something protective comes over me. I do not wish for another living soul to witness her in this way. This lust is my undoing and should be for me alone to enjoy. Even as we are alone now,someone could find us any moment at the bottom of the grand staircase. That’s not enough to stop me, but I decided to shield her just to be safe.

Keeping her close, I whip her body around to, once again, use the wall behind her to cage her in. In these brief moments, while our eyes are locked, I watch her expression, those hungry brown eyes staring directly into mine as her cheeks and neck are flush. Lucy’s breath quickens its pace with anticipation, causing her breasts to rise further from her top.

Prolonging our kiss is infuriating to my own body, but seeing her in this state is worth the wait. Her enticing lips part the closer I stalk toward her. Her gaze confirms what I had been hoping for. Her lustful look mirrors my own feelings, consumed with desire.

Our lips reunite, and it takes less time for her shock to succeed and return the kiss than previously, which makes me ravenous.

Lucy’s hands explore my body more forcefully this time as my tongue dips between the seam of her mouth. Her decadent taste consumes me. I devour her while my hand runs down her back to the curve of her ass, grasping onto it, using my hold to bring our bodies as close as they can possibly be.

I can’t remember the last time I was so turned on, so voracious for a woman. Surely, she can sense how desperately I need her as I press my hips into hers. She responds in the most seductive way, lifting her leg and wrapping it around the back of my thigh.

My mind is now starting to agree with my body that itis time to move this to the bedroom. I take that as my signal to break the kiss as much as it pains me.

This is not the right time.

Her eyes don’t meet mine at first. Does she feel the loss of our connection like I do?

Lucy looks just as disheveled as I do. My restraint is barely hanging on, I want to tell her how I feel, but I can not let our story begin while her ex is staying in my home, declaring his love every hour.

It has been my life’s work creating the most memorable declarations of love for millions. She deserves the most romantic setting I can imagine, not this mess. It will all be over soon. She will put him on a plane and return from London just in time for us to have the house to ourselves for days. And in those days, I will set the most romantic scene, one that is deserving of the beginning of our love story.

“You’re improving,” I say in hopes of diffusing some of the tension.

“This isn’t a matter of skill. It’s adjusting to the ambush!” Lucy says as she smooths down her shirt and attempts to straighten her hair. I take a deep breath to calm myself as I watch her hands move over her shirt and pull it into place.

How I long to rip that shirt from her body.

I turn away before addressing her to make sure the proper words leave my mouth. “Well, as your partner that everyone knows well about, it shouldn’t be startling that I kiss you at random moments,” I remind her, and I know it will only continue now that I’ve had a taste. Each momentI don’t have her lips on mine, I’ll be waiting for my next chance.

“Easy for you, you know, when you’re going to strike,” Lucy playfully scolds me, and my body heats all over again, imagining an unplanned assault from her.

“I welcome you to pounce on me whenever the need comes over you, with a kiss or any type of physical display of affection.” I can only hope that she takes me up on this invitation.And soon.I lean in, “My body is yours to do whatever you please with it.” I wink as I grab her hand and continue up the stairs.

We make our way to the bedroom I had originally designated for Lucy, but fortunately, she didn’t get to use this room. I much prefer her to stay with me, and I don’t know if that would have occurred if not for this odd situation we find ourselves in.

She repacks the few items she’s got out since arriving and then turns to the door as we hear John’s voice coming up the stairs. “I told you, I’m away at a work conference.”

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