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Oliver intervenes to explain, “When we arrived at Lucy’s apartment building, John was there to surprise her, so I invited him to come up here and stay with us.”

“You did,” Henry says with ice in his tone as he takes another step away from me.

John moves to my side, taking my bag and putting his arm around my shoulder before leaning down to ask, “How was the drive? You feeling all right?” I nod and move to put distance between us. He addresses everyone else, “She gets carsick on long drives sometimes.” As if he needs to prove our history.

“Right.” Henry’s voice is more rigid than I think I’ve ever heard it. “Well, let me show everyone to their rooms. First will be the room for Lucy and her long-lost lover.”

Out of reach from John’s embrace, I follow behind Henry, neither of us attempting to make eye contact.



Hidingin my office won’t solve anything, but I can’t face what is taking place on the other side of this door. How could I have been so wrong about us? Sure, I didn’t know if she felt romantically about me, but I thought it was a possibility.

Less than an hour ago, I was bouncing on my feet, unable to contain my excitement for her arrival. All the plans I had made for us, for her. Yes, I may have let my infatuation with her run wild, but it’s clear on everyone’s faces that no one expected this…guyto travel to London.

Now, before I had the chance to declare myself to Lucy, my window closed, opportunity missed, stolen out from under me. I had so much planned—this was supposed to be the beginning of a new relationship for us…if she wanted that. Or, at the very least, a weekend of showing her how much her friendship means to me.

This isn’t right. I might not be the guy for her, but there’s no way he is…definitely not him.

I refuse to witness the joyous reunion between Lucyand her American ex…well, no longer ex, I suppose. An urgency to act consumes me, but I’m at a loss for direction. Do I run out and express my feelings to Lucy in front of everyone? Will that look like I’m just doing it because he is here? Until I decide what to do, I have to stay here so I don’t cause more damage. My body buzzing with energy, I begin to pace in front of the large window that looks out onto the garden.

How could she do this? Oliver said it was a surprise, more like an ambush, but she should have warned me. She could have called from the car or at least sent a text. No, she doesn’t owe me a warning. She doesn’t owe me anything.

After a soft knock on my office door, Oliver calls me, “Pop.” Coming in and closing the door behind him, “What’s going on?”

“What’s going on is you invited that man to stay with us.” I continue pacing as he watches.

“Did she ask you to? Does anyone even know if she wants him here?” I lean over my desk. “Did you even ask her?” Grasping at the hope that this could all be a misunderstanding.

“What I do know is she was planning to stay in town with him to sort everything out. And if this fake relationship means so much to you, I didn’t think you’d want your fake girlfriend spotted around London during Christmas with another man.”

How would I have reacted if they arrived without her and then saw photos of her out with another man? “Good thought, Oliver.”

He approaches me, back straight. “Look, Pop. I don’tknow what’s going on with you two, but based on how she looks at you, I’m highly suspicious that it’s more than just a friendship to her.” He takes a deep breath. “If this is just a matter of convenience for you and you plan to shake her off the moment she’s no longer useful, do not get in between whatever is happening between her and John.”

I look at him but have no words. Does he think I’d do that to her?

He continues, “I don’t know much about their past. Hannah says Lucy barely spoke during the drive here. Do you have any insight? Has she shared anything more with you?”

“No, she’s barely mentioned him to me.”

“He clearly loves her. He flew here the moment he heard she wasn’t going back for holidays.”

“Yes, a grand gesture indeed.” So much for the grand gestures I had planned for her.

“Just don’t lead her on.” Exasperation fills Oliver’s voice. “We all care about her, and I hope you do too.”

“I do.” More than he knows.

“Good. Let’s get dinner over with and we can all retire for the evening. That should give Lucy time to sort out things with John.”

Oliver leaves me to myself in my office. Not ready to face what waits on the other side of the door, I sit in front of the window, pouting, hoping the view of my garden will provide some clarity.

Dinner preparation moves quickly as I’ve decided on soups and salads for their first day here. We all sit down to eat at my large dining table. One of the boys must have added the extra chair. I certainly didn’t do it—he can stand for all I care.

The worst part of this meal is not sitting beside Lucy. She is seated as far away from me as possible, next to him.That’s my seat.How I long to move near her. The only other time we sat so far apart was the night we met. Since then, I’ve been unable to tolerate the idea of such distance. When she enters a room, I’m drawn to her like a magnetic force pulling me to her side.

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