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While I’m thinking of every possible option, she must take that for confusion and clarifies, “Now that you have secured the director role, does that mean we will stop with the fake relationship posts?” She turns her face to show no emotions in either direction.

If I say yes and go back to being friends, I will lose most of my reasons for contacting her. I could tell her the truth, Viewmont Productions credited my new social media presence as the reason they decided to go with me, but they didn’t make this relationship requirement by any means.She doesn’t know that.

This might be my way of keeping her close for a few more weeks or months until I can get a better understanding of what is going on between us and if it is mutual or just one-sided.

I lean forward, “Just the opposite, in fact. The studio credited the social media account as the reason they decided to select me for the director, well that and my resume. They would like us to continue to share our love story on social media and Mark recommended more photos of us together, which we already have planned. As long as you are all right with continuing?” I hold my breath, waiting for her answer. If she is planning to rekindle her relationship in the States, this will surely force her to confess it.

“Oh, well.” She sits back up and takes a sip of her wine. “Of course, that was the plan all along. I’m all right to continue as we scheduled.”

“Well, good. That’s settled.”

She tries to hide her smile behind her wine glass, but there’s no hiding it as her eyes give her away. “So, tell me what happens next. What will you do on Monday?”

“As most of the pre-production has already been in place, I will spend most of December in meetings getting caught up on casting and locations, reviewing the scripts, and making any necessary last-minute changes.” Her eyes light up as I speak. “I plan to stay in London with Oliver and Finn because most of the work will be done from the main offices in the city.”

“This is so exciting, Henry.” She looks delighted. “Don’t tell the others, but I think I’m going to be readingPride and Prejudiceagain soon, maybe even tonight. I’m surethey will guess that with the news that you have the director position.”

“Hold that thought,” I say as I get up from my chair and move to grab the package I wrapped at the bottom of the grocery bag. Back at the table, I hand it to her. “For you.”

She takes the gift and pulls on the large red bow on top. Then, carefully unfolding the paper, her mouth falls open and her eyes go wide. She pulls the three small old books with gold designs on the spine and a solid dark cover away from the wrapping and looks back and forth from the books to me. I purchased this first edition years ago, after I started making movies and real money, it was a promise to myself that I would one day direct that film. Now, that goal has only been achieved thanks to her. They belong with Lucy.


“You mentioned you often thought about how people felt while readingPride and Prejudicewhen it was first published. I can’t take you back in time, but maybe this book will connect you to the time it was printed,” I say to her, still standing next to where she is sitting.

She jumps out of her chair, clutching the book close to her chest as she uses the other arm to wrap around my neck.It feels like the most natural embrace.I take the opportunity to wrap my arm around her back, caressing her gently.This feeling, her in my arms, feels…just as it should.It must mean something.

Can I consider being in a relationship again? Can I be good for her?

“Thank you,” she whispers genuinely into my ear. Igive her one more squeeze, then release her as she pulls out of our embrace. “This is not necessary. It’s too much, Henry.”

“Nothing will ever be able to convey my appreciation for your assistance in securing the film I’ve waited my career to direct. Thank you, Lucy.”

“I will treasure them,” she promises.

Her gaze moves toward the window. “Don’t you think this would be a good post?” Before I can answer, she places the books on her chair with gentle movements. Then hands me both of our wine glasses as she takes out her phone and moves to the window. “Come join me.” Following her direction, I kneel next to her in front of the windowsill. She leans in close to me and holds her phone in front of us to get the perfect angle that gives us a backdrop of the moon in the night sky above the city lights. We hold our glasses in front of us and smile.

The phone clicks and we both check the photo.This will certainly gain the coveted spot as my home screen’s wallpaper.She sends it over and instructs me to post it.

“What should the caption be?” I ask.

“I’m not sure. Maybe just a couple emojis—use the pasta and wine and the moon.” She smiles. “That pretty much sums up our night…as much as your adoring fans need to know.”

After clearing up the dishes, I bid her a reluctant goodbye and make my way back down to Finn’s car.

When I arrive at the boys’ townhouse, I find Oliver in the kitchen finishing up his dishes and offer to help him dry them.

“Where were you this evening?” Oliver asks.

“I picked Lucy up from the airport and then got her something to eat.” Oliver pauses his scrubbing to look over at me. I pretend not to notice.

“Is that your payment for her being the mastermind behind your social media fame?” Oliver asks.

“Of course.” I’m not discussing this with Oliver. I don’t even know how I would express the feelings I’m having. I have to figure this out on my own first.

“Hmp.” He thinks he knows everything. People say he gets that from me, so I suppose I deserve it.

Changing the subject, I tell him, “I did ask about her plans for the holidays. She’ll be going to the States for Christmas, then be back before the New Year.”

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