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Very entertaining. I hope you can get some sleep.



“Your turn,”my mom says as she hugs me from behind while I’m clearing the empty bottles from the kitchen counter and restocking the sweets.

“Already? Did you lose that quickly?” I didn’t expect her back so soon from the card game she was playing with my cousins and Ellie.

“Ellie is too good. Are we sure she isn’t related to us somehow?” Mom has always believed our bloodline holds a great ability for winning. She assumes others “just don’t haveit.” It’s too bad thatitwas limited to cards and board games.

“All right, I’m going to see which games are starting next.” I walk out into the parlor and straight into John. I had assumed he would come—he and his family have been coming since they moved into the neighborhood when we were kids. I was just hoping to avoid him this evening.

“Just who I was looking for.” He moves out of the doorway, sliding his arm around my waist and pulling meto the side to allow his parents to greet my mom in the kitchen. After exchanging pleasantries with them, I move out of John’s hold.

I hate to refer to it as a tradition, but since high school, after the Thanksgiving festivities died down, John and I typically end up spending time together. Only once did things go too far—most years, we would just hang out, talking all night. This year, I have no desire to continue with this custom. Hopefully, leaving it in the past for good.

“Grab some food, and enjoy the evening.” I move to walk away, but he grabs my hand.

Looking back, he leans in to say, “I didn’t come for the food or the games. I just want to spend time with you.” I huff in disgust as he continues, “Maybe even convince you to move back home. And you know, I can be very convincing.”

At that moment, as if I planned it, my phone rings from the back pocket of my jeans. I grab it to check who is calling, and the photo of Henry holding up his copy ofNorthanger Abbeytakes up the entire screen. John has the perfect view, and I’m so delighted I set that as his caller ID photo for more reasons than one.

“Sorry, John. Henry’s calling. I’m going to take this.” I pull my other hand out of John’s and swipe to answer. Knowing John is listening, I put on a show. With a smile, I say in my attempt at a sexy voice, “Hi, Henry. It’s so nice to hear from you, I’m missing you terribly!”

John’s face falls, and he turns back into the kitchen. I run upstairs to my room so I can explain my odd behaviors to Henry in private.

“Hello, Lucy.” Of course, he gives me his sexiest voice. He must think I have him on speakerphone.

Once I close the door behind me, I explain, “Sorry about that. My ex was standing next to me when you called—I wanted to put on a show.”

“Yes, of course.” Henry clears his throat.

“What are you doing up this late?” I ask.

“I couldn’t sleep, and I knew you had your big occasion this evening. I thought it would be good to call, let everyone see that I’m checking in…missing you…to follow through on our story.”

“Oh, smart idea.” We hadn’t planned this, but I’m thankful he did it anyway. “I just came up to my room for some privacy, but I’ll be sure to brag about you the moment I get back downstairs.”

“Well, there’s no shortage of topics in that area.” He is confident at first, and then his tone changes. “So your ex comes to your holiday dinners?”

“Well, it’s a less formal gathering with friends and family. His parents are here too. I don’t think it will be much of an issue.” I feel the need to declare there is nothing left between John and me to Henry, but he wouldn’t care outside of our arrangement. I doubt he’s even considering that anyway.

“All right then,” he pauses, “And you’re all right?”

“Yes, I’m fine.”

“Splendid, enjoy your evening. Send your family my best.” Hesitation is in his voice.

“Thanks, I will. Goodnight.”

“Goodnight,” he says and quickly hangs up. His callerID photo fades, and my phone screen returns to the background photo filled with lilacs.

Before I can stand up, there’s a knock at my bedroom door. “Lucy! I’m coming in,” Ellie yells as she comes through the door.

“How’s your hot director boyfriend?” she asks as she lies down on the bed next to where I’m sitting.

“Ellie, he’s fine. I just made a big deal of it to try and shake John off.”

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