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“Oh!” There is no way any of them guessed a spicy book about a one-night stand between strangers at a bar. I can’t tell them that, at least not yet, maybe if we become friends, but not when we first meet. I have to think of something that makes me sound approachable and friendly. “Sure, I’d love to help.”

Why can’t I think of a single book that doesn’t have sex or dragons or both at the moment?

“What are the guesses?” I ask, hopeful their guesses will help me think of something.

Finn stretches as he chimes in. “I can’t tell you that, Lucy. We don’t want you to sway your answer to meet one of ours. It’s a rule we all agreed on, can’t change it now.”

“How about instead of us talking between the tables,you bring your chair over here and join us, Lucy?” Hannah suggests.

Is this happening?Be cool, I tell myself. “Sure, thanks.” I rise and close my Kindle and place it in my bag so I can carry my coffee and chair over to their table.

“So, what’s the book?” Finn asks as he leans over the table. He is clearly the competitive one in the group.

I open my mouth, willing a title to come out, but before it becomes awkward silence, Mia speaks up. “We need proof, we want to see the book.”

Oh no, that’s a death sentence.Well, I’ll have to find another coffee place after this.Opening my e-reader, I swipe up to my library and look through my current reads. That’s when I spot it. The only book currently in my library that could save me in this situation. I completely forgot I downloaded this the other night, but I’m so thankful I did. It was already at thirty-two percent, it’s not the book I would have selected to define myself to a new group of people, but it is the best I can come up with at the moment.

I open the book and turn the screen toward them. The title at the top readThe Great Gatsbyby F. Scott Fitzgerald. All four explode into laughter as Hannah raises her hands clearly in victory.

Not wanting to intrude too much on their time, I only stay another half hour before excusing myself to turn in for the night. But not before Hannah insists we exchange numbers so we can meet up again.

Mom will be so proud.

Back at my apartment, I receive a text indicating I have been added to a new group chat with numbers I don’t recognize, but then I read the messages.


Hi Lucy! This is Hannah. We will all let you know who we are so you can save our numbers. It was great meeting you!


This is Mia. Should we plan for the same day/time next week?


Finn here, Hannah, remember to send your coffee order for next week. My treat since I was way off with my guess. Oh, and the other number is Oliver.

I smile as I read the texts. I was worried at first our age difference would become apparent the longer the night went on, but the opposite occurred. Learning early in the evening that they are all in their late twenties helped. I managed to forget I was ten years their senior by the end of the night.

Despite the move being exciting and loving my new job, having a group of friends here makes me feel like I’m finally settling into my new life.



The sun sweepsthrough the break in my shades as I lay in bed contemplating starting my day before the alarm goes off or hitting the snooze button. After short deliberations, it becomes apparent that I won’t be able to fall back asleep. May as well start the day.

The house is quiet with the exception of the sporadic gust of strong wind racing along the rear side of the house. Living alone at my age is not what I had planned for myself, but I can’t complain after finding this beautiful home in a small town an hour outside of London. It’s not quite living in the country, but with so few people living here, it sometimes feels that way.

Ever the multitasker, I reach into the shower and start the hot water while I brush my teeth. As the steam begins to fill the room, I lean back on the sink, letting it rid my body of its morning chill.

As the world becomes more connected, I enjoy the peace showers provide. A time to truly reflect with nothing but my own thoughts as the scorching waterrelaxes my muscles. My feet test the temperature before I walk under the multiple jets cascading warm water over me.

In these moments, I am most grateful to my former self, who decided to get the largest shower option when renovating the house. I can still remember the contractor’s look when I picked this one.

“That one? It’s big enough for five people.” He chuckles.

“Oh, is it? That might come in handy…” I respond with a wink, thinking about my extremely busy social calendar.

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