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The close proximity to Henry reintroduces me to his cologne, the woodsy smell I almost convinced myself I had imagined the other night. If Ellie could be here now, shewould find some crafter to make me a candle that smells like him or just send a bottle of the cologne to me with instructions to spray it all over my bed.

The rest of the ride goes by quickly, and soon after, we are pulling up to the bar. After exiting, the group makes their way inside, and eventually, Henry and I find ourselves in the middle of a large U-shaped leather booth while the two young couples file in on either side of us. Mia squeals and does a little dance in place when the waitress delivers a tray of small glasses filled with clear liquid. While the others are devouring their shots, Henry orders, “I’ll have a scotch and open a tab.” He hands her his card and turns to me.

“A merlot, please.” Well, if he is paying, he can buy me a fancy glass of wine.

Once the waitress has moved out of the way, Finn, Mia, Oliver, and Hannah immediately make their way to the dance floor. I had assumed once the others left and more space became available within our booth that Henry would have moved down, but he remains just as close as he was when everyone was squished in. One slight move on either part, and we will be touching, either at the shoulders or legs. As much as my body craves it, my mind understands that, logically, it is unnatural to sit this close with so much space. Thinking better of it, I decide to slide down and put distance between us.

With Henry’s closeness throughout the car ride and entering the bar, multiple brushes occurred, each setting my skin on fire and lingering long after he moved. I am beginning to hate him not just for his sour personality but also for how attracted I am to him. Which is partially hisfault. He could work at not looking so good all the time. Who am I kidding? He probably looks this sexy the moment he wakes up in the morning. Okay, I need to shut down thoughts of him in bed immediately and turn my attention to INXS roaring from the speakers located in every corner of the dance floor.

Trying to distract myself, I shuffle down just a few more inches and reach for some gum in my purse, hoping to be discreet. Of course, the gum packets have a way of hiding under everything else in there, and I catch Henry watching me out of the corner of my eye. I move the e-reader to the side, and he starts to say something, but it’s too difficult to hear over the song lyrics from “I Need You Tonight” by INXS blasting out of every speaker. I lean in a little and ask, “What’s that?” with my hand by my ear.

Henry closes the distance I just put between us by placing his arm around the back of the booth this time.What is with this guy and his arm move?It’s déjà vu. He leans to my ear, his warm breath sending shivers down my spine. “Do you not spend enough time reading? Is it necessary for you to have that here?”

Struggling to think clearly, I take the opportunity to speak directly into this ear. Two can play that game. While leaning in, I also place my hand on his leg. “Habit when I go out with couples.” Hopefully, this answer was vague enough to keep the conversation going.I shouldn’t want that.

Henry moves his arm from resting on the back of the booth to around my shoulders to allow him to get even closer to me. I sit up straight and look forward as he asks, ”Did you not know I was coming?”

I answer, returning to my position of leaning into hisear and my hand finding its previous position on his leg. “I assumed you would, yet you aren’t shy about your lady killer reputation. Honestly, I’m amazed you haven’t swept one of those girls at the bar off their feet by now. They look like your type.” I nod my head in the direction of three young twenty-somethings sitting at the main bar who haven’t taken their eyes off him all night.

He doesn’t follow my gaze but continues to focus on me, sliding his hand down my lower back, applying just the slightest amount of pressure to pull me toward him, and then his mouth is back at my ear with a soft nudge of his nose against my ear. “You think me so rude to leave you here alone?”

My body takes over, and I shiver at his words and proximity. I could declare it’s from a chill, but I’d rather not admit the action to him at all. He leans back with a smirk on his face. Sure, he earned that smirk, but it’s time to shut this down.

When I lean in to respond this time, I keep my hands in my lap. “Well, you now know I do have the company of endless characters in my purse. You are free to make one of those girls’ dreams come true tonight.” I lean away and watch his face. The volume of the music starts to quiet just as the rest of our party makes their way back to our booth.

Henry moves his arms back to his side as the girls start asking for recommendations to send to the DJ via the club’s app while Finn orders another round for the table.

About a half hour passes, and conversations flow between everyone. It appears no one noticed our close conversation while they were dancing.

“What do you think of this place?” Hannah asks, leaning close so I can hear her.

“It’s great,” I answer while noticing two of the girls from the bar walk by our booth, looking directly at Henry. When he notices them, they smile and wave.

I move to grab my drink from the table and study him from the corner of my eye as he politely acknowledges them with a nod but doesn’t linger with his attention. Of course, why would he—it’s like fishing in a barrel for him.

“Mia really is in her element.” I nod my head toward Mia for Hannah to follow. She’s at the end of the booth, dancing with her drink still in one hand raised above her head and her dress swaying with her hips. That girl is her own party. So confident and brave—I find myself a little jealous of her ability to just stand up and dance by herself.

Finn is seated at the end of the booth, staying at arm’s length of Mia, yet not even he can keep up with her energy. Oliver and Henry are chatting to themselves and I notice Henry looking beyond Oliver’s shoulder in the direction of those girls at the bar. Ignoring the burning sensation in my chest, I bring myself back to reality. Henry is conceited and arrogant, and I am not his type. Remembering his words from earlier when he said he wouldn’t go talk to them because I was here. Perhaps I am keeping him from what will surely end as an exciting evening. Or worse, he will go over and pick one of them up in front of me. For some reason, I decide I do not want a front-row seat to Henry’s seduction of one or both of those blondes.

Hannah and Mia announce they are running to the ladies’ room. I jump up to join them, taking this as mychance to leave without any fuss. On the walk to the ladies’ room, we approach the exit doors. “Hannah, Mia, I’m getting a bit of a headache. I think I’m going to call it a night.”

“Oh no, you can’t leave yet. They didn’t even play your song!” Mia pleads. “You haven’t danced yet.”

“Next time, I promise you will have my first dance.” I feel bad leaving when she is so upset, but I think half of it may be the numerous shots she’s had this evening. I know she’s in good hands with the boys.

“Mia, if she has a headache, she should go home and rest.” Hannah’s voice is consoling. “When her song comes on, we will dance and send her a video and she can watch it tomorrow when she is feeling better.”

I whisper into her ear a very specific goodbye message for her to share with Henry. “Thank you, both. Send the guys my best!” And with that, I move through the exit to grab a cab back to my apartment.

As I leave the bar, I notice a group of photographers standing outside. They raise their cameras as I open the door but quickly lower them when they realize I am not anyone important. This place Mia picked must be really popular with celebrities. I didn’t notice anyone famous, but then again, it was poorly lit inside…and if I’m being honest with myself, Henry occupied all of my attention.



As the ladiesin our group take their leave, I notice the line at the bar is finally thinning out. Grabbing Lucy’s empty glass, I make my way to get us each a refill as we are the only two not exclusively drinking random shots.

While I’m grateful Finn and Oliver and their partners are enjoying themselves, I’m just not that age anymore. I far prefer a quiet evening with cocktails and good company. Specifically, the company that places her hand on my leg while she whispers with a seductive tone into my ear.

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