Page 59 of Grayscale

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“What’s wrong, sweetheart?”

He turned my way. Cal had taken the seat across the aisle from me in Reuben’s plane, and he’d been picking at his cuticles, a frown creasing the skin between his dark eyebrows. We were waiting on the tarmac for the pilot to finish the final checks and to be cleared for taxi and takeoff.

“Nothing.” He held out his hand, and like he’d been doing since right after we’d claimed each other, he twined his fingers with mine the second our palms connected. I wondered if it was an orca shifter thing, but I didn’t think now was the time to ask. And I liked it, so it really didn’t matter. “I’m fine.”

“Cal, you’ve always been a shitty liar, and now that we have a mate bond, you definitely can’t lie to me. So I’ll ask you again. What’s wrong?”

Cal blew out a breath that ruffled the hair that hung over his forehead. “Things are weird with Quin and me right now.”

“How so?”

“We’ve always been able to sense each other’s emotions, kind of like how it is with you and me since we’ve mated, but it was never as intense as our bond. But ever since we hit our teen years, Quin and I have grown apart, and I stopped tuning in to the bond as often. I guess Quin never did. He said he knew something was up because he couldn’t feel me as much as before, and I feel like a total asshole because I didn’t even notice, but now it’s the only thing I can think about. And he’s right. Our connection is still there, but it’s definitely not as strong as it used to be. I can tell he’s alive and not in danger, but that’s about it.”

I gave his fingers a squeeze. “I’m sorry. That sucks.”

Cal shrugged. “It is what it is.”

“Doesn’t mean it sucks any less.”

Half of Cal’s mouth tipped up in a smile. “Thanks.”

“When all this is over, you and Quin should find a way to reconnect.”

Cal’s smile spread, but it was still sad. “Yeah. I think it’s time. I miss him, and I think I hurt him more than he’s letting on by not telling him you were my mate when I figured it out after Colombia.”

I squeezed his fingers as Andrea poked her head out of the cockpit. She and her copilot, Robyn, who also served as the cabin steward, were the only crew members. It was another nod to Reuben’s paranoia that he kept his staff to the bare minimum. But an idea had taken shape in my mind, and the small crew would work to my advantage.

“We’ve been cleared. Robyn is going to fly us out, and I’ll be her copilot for this trip.” Andrea closed the cabin door and smiled as she locked it. “Do you need anything before we take off?”

Cal shook his head. “Thanks, but I’m good.”

I stood. “I just need a quick word.”

Andrea looked surprised but schooled her features into a professional smile. “Of course.”

“With you and Robyn.”

“Oh, okay.” She turned and headed back to the cockpit.

Andrea slid into the copilot’s seat. “What can we help you with, Mr. Grayson?”

All of a sudden, this felt a little awkward, but I cleared my throat and pressed on. “Cal and I are mates, and we just claimed each other while in Prague, so it’s really new?—”

Robyn held up a hand. “Say no more.” She reached over and gave Andrea’s thigh a squeeze. “We were the same way when we were newly mated.”

Andrea beamed at her mate. “I knew something was different between you two, but I couldn’t put my finger on it. Congratulations. And don’t worry. I will stay out of the cabin. If you or Mr. Hunter need anything, you know where to find it.”

I turned to walk away, but Robyn grabbed my arm. When I looked back at her, her cheeks were pink. “Just so you know, Mr. Machas insists on being prepared for anything. If you need, uh, supplies, check the bathroom cabinet under the sink.”

Andrea giggled, and Robyn let me go.

“I’ve got that covered, but thanks for the info.”

“Anytime.” She waved and turned back to the controls while Andrea stood and closed the cockpit door.

The second I returned to my seat, the plane began taxiing.

“Everything okay?” Cal asked. “You were up there for a minute.”

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