Page 66 of Black & White

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“Guess we’d better get down there.” I reluctantly pulled on a pair of sweats, even though I would have much preferred to stay naked and inside of Felix for the rest of the day.

Felix was pulling on his own clothes, moving easily like he hadn’t had the shit beat out of him just a few days before. “Guess so. I’m anxious to officially meet Jack.”

I pulled him into my arms and kissed him deeply until we were both out of breath. “Then let’s go.”

Felix shook his head and looked down at where his dick was tenting his sweats. “Thanks.”

I winked and handed my mate his glasses as he did his best to adjust himself. “My pleasure.”

In the kitchen, Cal and Jack were pulling takeout boxes from several large bags patterned with a green crane. “Is that from where I think it’s from?”

Cal nodded. “Least I could do. I know Mei’s food is your favorite.”

Felix nudged my side, and I cleared my throat. “You can be done groveling now. I forgive you.”

Some of the mischievous light that was usually in Cal’s eyes returned. “Really?”

I sighed. “Really.”

In a move almost too fast to track, Cal wrapped me in a bear hug. “I’m so fucking sorry, Nero.”

“I know.” Cal’s grip on me was so tight I almost couldn’t take a breath.

“Let the man breathe, sweetheart,” Jack drawled, and I felt Cal tense. Whatever was going on there had my brother on edge.

Julius and Felix passed out plates and silverware, and everyone got comfortable around the table.

“Are we going to wait for Quin?” Cal asked, even as he cracked into a container of beef lo mein and spooned a healthy portion onto his plate.

“He’s going to be late. Said to start without him.” Jack snatched the lo mein from Cal’s hand.

“Since when does my brother talk to you?” Cal glared at Jack.

Jack glared back at Cal, then cracked a huge smile. “Jealous?”

“Not at all.”

“You sure?”

“Fuck you, Jack.”

“I know you want to, sweetheart.”

Cal started to retort, but Felix, who had been watching the whole exchange like a spectator at a tennis match, stepped in. “Hi, I’m Felix.” He held out his hand over the table. Jack wiped his on a napkin before shaking it.

“Jack Grayson. Pleasure to officially meet you.”

“Same. Thanks for helping to rescue me.”

Jack gave him a lopsided smile. “My pleasure.” And I suddenly understood why Cal didn’t want Jack talking to Quin. Felix placed a hand on my thigh and squeezed, and the flash of jealousy dissipated.

“Pass me the egg rolls.” Felix winked as I passed him the waxed paper bag right after stealing one for myself. Felix passed the bag to Julius. “Nero told me Cal was able to recover the drive.”

Julius nodded. “I hope you don’t mind, but I went through the rest of your drives until I found the decryption key. Took me a while, but I have the decryption running now.”

“I don’t mind at all. That saves us time.”

Julius swallowed the bite he’d taken, then asked, “You really don’t know what’s on the drive?”

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