Page 55 of Black & White

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“As much as I’m sure we’d all love to stand here and watch”—Julius gestured between Jack and Cal—“whatever fucked-up foreplay this is, they’ve already had Felix for three hours. We need to get moving.”

I nodded. I’d been pacing the kitchen like a caged animal, rage I couldn’t channel yet searing my guts and making me feel like my skin was about to explode. I needed my mate back, and I was ready to do whatever it took to make that happen. “Quin and I will go through the front, the way they took Felix in. Cal, youand Jack go in through the back. We’ll be going in blind since there is no way to know what the inside of the warehouse looks like, but I’m guessing it’s a giant box like most others. Let’s hope that’s true.”

Everyone nodded.

Cal clapped his hands. “Who needs firepower?”




“You!”The single word was all my brain could come up with as I looked FBI Agent Lance Cooper in the eyes. He looked older than the last time I’d seen him, which hadn’t been that long ago, maybe three or four months. He’d popped into Agent Stone’s office when I was there for my quarterly check-in meeting. But the intervening time, however short, hadn’t been kind to him.

“Where is the file, Felix? I’m done playing games.”

“I don’t know.”

The sound of the slap as he hit my cheek hard enough to make my neck snap to the side reverberated around the warehouse.

“Stop fucking around. I need that goddamn file!” He was close enough that spit sprayed from his lips and landed on my face. I desperately wanted to wipe it away, but I had no way to manage the simple task.

“I don’t have it.” As long as I thought about the file’s whereabouts in absolutely literal terms, I could lie to him with a straight face.

He grabbed a hank of my hair and pulled my head back roughly. “You’re lying. I know you took it. I was the one that sent you on that little wild goose chase to hack the FBI archivedservers. I thought you’d pick some nothing file to take as proof, but instead, you took the only thing I actually needed you to leave alone.”

His grip on my hair made my eyes water, and my head was torqued back enough that it felt like my vocal cords were collapsing as I gasped out, “That sounds like a you problem.”

I knew I shouldn’t egg him on. I had no way to free myself or fight back, and I knew there was at least one other person that wasn’t on my side somewhere in the warehouse.

Agent Cooper’s answering laugh made my skin crawl. “It’s very much about to be your problem.”

He released his hold on my hair, and the second I righted my head to look at him, his fist connected with my eye. Something cracked, and the swelling was almost instant as my body reacted to the assault. But I barely had time to take a breath through the pain before he grabbed the back of the chair and used the leverage the position gave him to drive his knee into my chest, forcing the air from my lungs.

I was already dizzy from whatever sedative cocktail they’d dosed me with, and the room swayed as I tried to remind myself how to breathe.

“When we met years ago, I told you my specialty. Do you remember what it was?”

I started to shake my head, but my eye pulsed with pain.

“Interrogation tactics.” Cooper smiled, but there was no joy or humor in his expression, just cold, calculated menace. “I think this was a good chat, don’t you?” His voice held the eerie calm of someone who had nothing left to lose.

And that gave away the biggest piece of the puzzle.

He wasn’t the endgame.

He didn’t want the file for himself.

He needed it for someone else.

The question was, who was pulling the strings?

It still hurt to breathe, so I didn’t respond.

“I think we’ll have another of these friendly conversations every hour until you tell me what I want to know.” He casually shrugged a shoulder. “I’ll get what I want, even if you give it to me with your last breath.”

Cooper reached out and patted the cheek he’d slapped hard, making the swelling in my face throb.

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