Page 45 of Black & White

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“So he has absolutely nothing?” Julius blew out a breath.


“Then what does he need you for?” A flash of worry crossed over Felix’s face.

“I’ve gotta give a statement and talk to some people about a skip I brought in. It’s not a big deal.” I tried to keep my tone level, but my brother, knowing all my tells, glared at me.

“How much trouble are you in?” he asked.

“Dunno yet.”

Julius pursed his lips and narrowed his eyes, but he didn’t say anything else.

“Let me change real quick, and I’ll come with you.” A huge yawn stretched Felix’s jaw.

“Nah, McMahon said this might take a while, and you need to get some sleep.” I looked at my brother. “Are you going into the office today?”



“What’s good?” Cal asked, striding into the room in only a pair of tiny boxers and a T-shirt so tight it looked like it had been painted on.

“For fuck’s sake, Cal. Put some clothes on. We have a guest.” Julius tossed a dish towel his way, and Cal swiped it out of the air. He held it up to his chest. “What the fuck am I supposed to do with this?” He balled it up and threw it back at Julius, then shuffled over to the coffee maker and poured himself a cup.

“Felix isn’t a guest. He’s family.” Cal smirked.

“Family who doesn’t want to see your dick.” Julius nodded toward Cal’s lower half.

“Oops.” He adjusted himself, then went back to prepping his coffee.

“What are you doing today?” Julius asked after Cal finished adding a metric ton of sugar and a healthy pour of cream to his cup.

“Nothing much. Might go to the range later. Why?”

“I have to go in to talk to McMahon. Think you could keep an eye on things here while Julius and Felix work on finding leads?”

“Sure. Easy peasy.”

“I’m serious, Cal.” I knew he was good at his job, and he’d done some personal protection gigs in the past, but he was also the idiot who had tried to use the roof as a skate park when we were kids. It was hard to see him as capable when I knew he could be a complete moron. See also sleeping with his boss and getting himself fired.

“I know, big brother. I’ll keep your mate safe. You have my word.”

It was the best I could do. I had to trust Julius and Cal to keep Felix safe for me. Hopefully, McMahon would make good on his promise to make things quick at SPD HQ.

“Fine. But if anything happens, I swear to God, Cal…”

He set his cup down and held up his hands in surrender. “I know, I know. How much trouble can two nerds—no offense, Felix—get into holed up in the basement all day?”

He had a point, and there was no point prolonging the inevitable.

“I’m going to change, then head downtown. I’ll have my phone on me. Call if there’s an emergency.”

Cal gave me a mock salute I returned with a single finger.

Felix caught up with me as I hit the first step to go upstairs. “Is everything okay? Really?”

I shrugged. “I’m sure it will be.”

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