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“But—but wait,” I cried, reaching to grab him, then remembering and snapping my hand back.

That split-second hesitation and he stepped into their view, ending my chance to stop him.

Bradach was going to hurt them. All to help me, and help himself get closer to Aeris. Not even Meya herself could be more shocked that I cared about the well-being of a couple faeriken, but I did.

Less than a week ago, I was certain being in a faeriken’s presence resulted in death. Well, I’d been in the presence of many faeriken, and they’d been nothing but kind or deferential to me. Except for Bradach, but even he dropped everything to help me. He was even willing to go so far as to knock out his own countrymen.

Why didn’t I tell him I didn’t want any violence? I was expecting him to show me the door to an old servants’ entrance. Not go after—

“Good morning, gentlemen. Lady,” Bradach announced. He pointed straight at me. “The queen would like a stroll through the village. Send for her carriage.”

“Of course, my queen.” They snapped to attention, then bowed to the dumbfounded shadow behind the wall. “We’ll have it brought out to you at once. Please, stay in the warmth until it arrives.”

“I, uh— Yes,” I croaked, stepping into the open. “Thank you.”

Bradach brushed past me, shaking his head. I heard the wordkevaloud and clear.

Embarrassment flipped my stomach. I couldn’t be faulted. I’d been a princess for a short while, and a queen for less time than that. I wasn’t used to living in a world where I gavecommands and they were followed without question. It never occurred to me that I wasn’t a prisoner in the castle I ruled.

I groaned, memory assaulting me. “I owe Aeris a big apology.”

AN HOUR LATER, THEcarriage dropped me off at the drawbridge.

Aeris, Eadaoin, and Foalan waited for me outside in the cold.

“What are you all doing out here?” I asked. “Is everything okay?”

“It is not,” Foalan said. “Lady Ana, it is not wise to travel without guards.” He gestured to Eadaoin. “Your companion is trained in combat. Trained byme. I ask that in the future, you travel with her by your side at the very least.”

“All right. I will, thank you.” There was no reason to argue with him. I’d already done what I needed to do. I wasn’t going to be around long enough to worry about who was with me when I went out.

I turned to Aeris. “Aeris, I want to apologize for throwing my shawl over your head to make my escape. I saw this for you in the market and... I hope you like it.”

Wide, glistening eyes beheld the small, silver bracelet, graced by the tiniest snowflake charm.

“Oh, my lady...” She trailed off, smiling at me. “Thank you.”

“My lady?” Eadaoin gestured behind her. “If you’ll follow me, our lord requests your presence in the war room.”

I opened my mouth to tell her where he could shove his request, and a spike of pain assaulted my ankle.

Gritting my teeth, I just nodded. “Lead the way.”

I followed Eadaoin inside. Aeris and Foalan broke off when we entered the castle, heading down the hallway leading to the throne room. Aeris’s laugh echoed behind her.

Our trek took us up three flights of stairs and down two twisting hallways. I lost my bearings immediately. I envied the queen consort who had to learn how to navigate these strange, winding halls. Thankfully, after the next morning, that would not be an issue.

Eadaoin stopped in front of a huge, red door and knocked.


Sweeping it open, she moved for me to step inside.

I did. My jaw dropped before I stepped over the threshold.


Everywhere. Of everything. For everyone. Plastered all over the walls, and spilling off the desks, detailed maps of Lyrica, Sarabai, Rajadom, Quatassa, and the human lands dominated the space. There were even maps of places I didn’t recognize, with names impossible for me to pronounce.

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