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“What the fuck!?”

They sprung apart and out of the way, one of them colliding with the wall.

I hoofed it past them, gaining speed. It wasn’t pretty, but one thing I learned after years of dodging torment was that people ran in the other direction of crazy.

Rounding a corner, I found myself in the grand hall, and oh, Meya, was it.

A grand staircase led to halls and rooms unknown. Torches burned in golden holders, chasing away chill and darkness. Over a dozen stands lined the walls, each weighted down with an expensive bust, painted vase, breathtaking jewelry, and riches I’d only dreamt of.

Directly beside me, smirking down at me even then, was a large, silver statue of Alisdair.

I looked at him, then kept looking—fixed on something just above his shoulder.

A window.

If I could climb up him and get to that window, I’d make it outside, then on to the village. I knew exactly what I needed, and who. I just had to get to them and set my plan into motion before I had six feet worth of fangs and evil chasing me down.

“Okay, okay,” I breathed, rolling my neck.

This was a soft, dewy body that didn’t do much—any—climbing. I was already wheezing harder than I should’ve been after my sprint through the halls. This wouldn’t be as easy as if I was my true self.

If I was my true self, I’d be home with Mama and my faywens. Home, I thought as the pain of missing them settled into my bones.I’m going home.

Backing up, I sent a prayer to Meya, then jumped.

The ever-present sword on his hip was a fixture of his statue too. I grabbed hold of the sheath, vaulted up, slipped, and—

“Ugh.” I crashed flat on my back. “Don’t give up,” I rasped. “You can’t give up.”

I repeated that over and over, eventually getting back on my feet. I jumped and grabbed the scabbard again.

Left, right, left, right. I monkey-climbed up the weapon to his elbow. Reaching for it, my fingers closed on—

“Ahh!” Down I went, landing hard on my ankle. Pain lanced through my leg, ripping a hiss through my teeth.

I forced it down and tried again.

Each try taught me the limits of my new, unwanted body. Scampering up the formed folds in his robe, I slapped my arms around Shadowsoul’s neck, heaving myself up.

My legs took my arms’ place. Hanging on tight, that smart, smirking mouth pressed against my rib cage while I considered my new problem.

I’m sure I can get onto that ledge from his shoulder, but how will I open the window once I do.I chewed my lip, craning to see a latch.Maybe if I—

“Far be it for me to question how my lady and my lord get off—”

I jerked, nearly falling off Shadowsoul to my death.

“—but isn’t it more satisfying when that’s done by the real version?” Bradach blinked at me, his head cocked at an unnatural angle.

“Shh.” I flapped a hand. “Keep your voice down. Someone will hear you.”

“I understand. You want privacy.” He clapped his hands over his face. “I’ll close my eyes.”

“Don’t do that,” I whisper-screamed. “There’s nothing to close your eyes to. What are you even doing here?”

“Many, many people told me our new queen has gone mad.” He arched a brow. “They were right.”

Why in the hell did I ever think I liked this guy?

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