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His lips peeled back from his teeth. “Be very careful, pretend queen, or I just might bite back.”

I pushed back harder. “I’ve seen your bite,” I hissed. “It doesn’t scare me.”

We faced each other down, his rising growl sounding a warning that I should be heeding, but I knew a thing or two about bullies. Back down once, and you’ve lost the power forever.

“Ahem.” Someone cleared their throat behind us. “The schedule has been written and delivered to the basks as requested. Lunch is also prepared and waiting for you both.”

“Feed her.” He pulled back so suddenly, I stumbled. “And make sure she eats.”

Of course he knew.

“Bring mine to the tower.”

“Oh, are you certain, my lord?” Aeris asked. “I thought you’d like to enjoy a meal with your new—”

He swept out the door, slamming it in both our faces.

Aeris smiled at my pinched, wane face. “No matter. Lunch is ready on the terrace, Lady Ana, and you’ll find it a treat. We made all your favorites.”

“How do you know my favorites?” I muttered distractedly. I rubbed my thigh, and the rune hiding beneath the cloth.

“Our spies.”

How casually she spoke of the people who’d be executed the minute King Salman learned of their existence.

“Ooh, how pretty.” Aeris drifted off my face, making me turn my head. “Did our lord give that to you? I worried you both weren’t getting along. Happy I was wrong.”

I didn’t know what she was talking about, until I remembered the starflower. I snatched it, threw it on the floor, and ground it to paste.

“Or not,” she mumbled. “This way, my—”

“What’s the range on these runes?” I burst out. “How far from him can I be before it punishes me?”

“What? Oh, Meya, no.” Taking my hand, she led me out much more gently than Shadowsoul. “It’s not like that. You can’t read runes, but I can. Yours are very clear in that you need to participate in the ruling of the kingdom. Lunch is hardly such.

“You’re free to wander as far from our lord as you wish when—”

I broke free, racing to the doors that let the villagers in. Throwing myself against them, they pushed right back—zinging pain up my shoulder.


“My lady? Queen Ana!”

I tore off back the way I came. Aeris made a grab for me, and I whipped off my shawl and tossed it over her head.

“Awk!” she squawked, flailing under the fabric.

Sorry, Aeris. You’re nice, but I did learn from my previous escape attempts. If I can’t climb higher or run faster, I have to be smarter.

I ran into the throne room and out through the other door, taking the steps two at a time. I came out into a gilded hallway. Two bird faeriken with bright blue plumage came down the hall in uniforms and swords on their hips.

Oh, no.

They lit on me.

“Good morning, Lady Ana,” one said. “What are—?”

“Ahh!” I blared. Wildly waving my hands and head, I charged them—screeching my lungs out.

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