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I smirked at the hard, unforgivingthudechoing off the ground. The fae were natural climbers and children of the forest. The same could not be said for that too-handsome, faeriken monster below.

Right then, I thanked the terrible curse that made these trees grow wild and too close together. It made it all the more easy for me to flit from branch to branch—out of reach of Alisdair.

His roar echoed through the night, and faded in the distance.

I flit from tree to tree until I lost him. Silence reigned as I climbed down, dropping lightly on my feet. I could barely hold in a laugh. The silly man thought he had me. I bet he was proud of himself, finding me in the starflower clearing right where he expected, sneaking up on me with his snark and sneer.

All that to get a fistful of mud in his face, and a sore bottom from falling on his ass.

This will be easy,I thought, leaning against an oak.All too easy.

“Tired already, little bird?”

My head snapped up, locking on the naked and hard figure reclining on the tree branch above me.

“We’re just getting started.”

“How!” I cried. “You were behind me. A mile behind. How are you here!”

He only chuckled. “Shall I take you now, or should we continue our dance a little longer?”

“Please.” The truth raged and battered against my lips, desperate to come out. “You don’t understand. You don’t want me.”

“You...” Alisdair reached down and stroked my cheek. “Are all I want.”

I ducked him and backed away. Alisdair dropped out of the tree and followed—a predator tracking his prey.

“Listen,” I began, forcing a laugh. “We’ve said and done a lot of things to each other in this short time, but I know deep down, you don’t want our first time as man and wife to be—”

“Argh!” He tore the scant robe from my body.

I was wrong.

My back collided with rough, cold bark. Alisdair slammed his hands down on either side of my head, penning me in. Seemed continuing our dance was off the table. He was taking his prize.


“Not here,” I tried. He plastered against me, heating my chilled body to life. “You have a castle. Chambers. A bedroom. Take me there.”

“I could never dishonor you so, my queen. Mating is raw, dirty, and primal. We lock it away behind closed doors out of shame, but you, should never be hidden.” He tugged sharply on my hair, snapping my chin up and ripping free a cry. Or was it a moan?

“Let the clouds part and the moon finally shine its light in greed to see me bond with my true mate... and fuck her like a common nightwalker.”

“What non-sense are you spouting!” My voice cracked, breath hitching at the seeking, stroking hand climbing my thigh. “You have to listen to me. I’m not—not—not— Agh!”

“Our promises are inked on our skin, little queen. For as long as you run, I will chase. Tell me”—deep, treacherous pools drowned me—“have you stopped running?”

My chest heaved, pushing against him. I knew what he was asking.

I rose on tiptoe, digging my chin into his scruffle—baring my teeth like fangs. I spoke, strong and clear, “Never.”

His lips crashed on mine, swallowing a cry that was undoubtedly a moan. I couldn’t help it. His fingers had ended their exploration, and found their destination between my legs.

This couldn’t be happening. Was I truly to lose my maidenhood in the forest, against a tree, while trapped in another’s body? For all my caution with love, lust, and young men’s promises. For all my mother’s warnings. Nothing could’ve prepared me for this.

And even less could stop it.

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