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I bristled. “I don’t know that I must be his anything.”

Meallan laughed—loud and free. “Well said.”

Nodding, I inched to the side, skirting the cliff. “Okay, well. I should—”

“If you’re running from him, you are not his mate yet.” Still his eyes didn’t leave me—tracking me through the snow, taking in my drying runes. “Would you like my help?”

“Your help?”Why is he staring like that?

I moved to the left, then the right, then I darted side to side quickly, spun around, and jumped. Meallan’s orbs bounced in their skull following me around, though he said nothing.

“What? You’re not going to ask why I burst into dance?”

“It’s not polite to remark on one’s madness.”

My face heated. “Well, then why would you want to help a madwoman?”

“Just because you’re mad doesn’t mean you aren’t wise. Running from Alisdair Lumenfell is exactly what you should do.” Meallan held out his hand. “Come with me. My people and our home are below you. Lumenfell cannot cross into our territory. You will be safe from him.”

“Your home?” I glanced down into the darkness, the shifting masses, the rumbling snores. “Why is it so dark down there?”

“Come,” he repeated, his hand hanging in the air between us. “We will shelter you.”

“No, thank you,” I said, backing further away. “This is between me and Alisdair. I wouldn’t want anyone to get hurt because they stood between us.”

His hand returned to his side. I only relaxed a fraction.

“Nothing is standing between you and him. He knows exactly where you are. He will find you in moments,” Meallan dropped. “It’s a wonder he isn’t upon you now.”

“What? Why would you say that?”

“Your scent.” He breathed deep. “I smelled you the second you entered my woods and have been following you ever since.”

I tensed. My senses were right. There were unseen eyes in the dark.

“If you will not accept my protection, then take my advice.” He picked up the flowers and gave them to me. “Use these. Rub them on yourself. The smell of the flowers will obscure your scent.”

“But if I do, I’ll glow.”

“A glow is easily hidden by a large tree. A scent is not.”

That logic could not be argued. Quickly, I crushed the starflowers and rubbed them over my face, arms, stomach—everywhere.

“Thank you, Meallan.”

“You are most welcome, Princess Ana. Hopefully when the opportunity arises, you will return the favor and lend me your aid.”

“I can’t,” I said bluntly. “I’m not staying. That’s what all of this is for. If I avoid him until daybreak, I’m free. I’ll return home.”

He shrugged. “The path of freedom leads one down many roads. By Meya’s fate, ours will converge once again.”

“Well, if it does, then sure. I’ll return the favor.”

“Thank you.” Meallan moved back, returning to the shadows. “Goodbye, Lady Ana, Queen of Nothing, owned by no one.”

I blinked and he was gone, leaving me unsettled. I wasn’t sure if his parting comment was an insult or a compliment. I had a feeling it was a little of both.

“Strange place,” I muttered, heading far away from the cliff and the dark pit Meallan calledhome. “Strange people.”

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