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I glared into those glittering orbs. “Has anyone told you, Bradach Arasu, that you are a tiresome man?”

He grinned, chuckling. “They never stop.”

The candles flickered—the one beside me whooshing out. I knew even before Bradach’s grin melted away and he shot up, straightening tall and proud before his king.

I turned to face him. Even then, I couldn’t help but be struck by his presence. His heavy black coat should’ve swallowed him, but he swallowed it. Alisdair filled that coat to bursting, stretching his seams, and its ability to conceal the naked form underneath.

I blushed for no good reason. I had already seen what was under there, although if I was honest, it would be a long time—possibly a century—before Alisdair Shadowsoul stopped being the man to which I compared all other men. His sculpted form, muscled thighs, ridged abdomen, and obscenely large cock had no equal.

Foalan dropped at his feet. “My lord, forgive me. I don’t know what I’ve done to fall in your estimation, but I apologize utterly, and accept my punishment. Please, my lord, lift my shame and bestow the cleansing fire of pain—”

Shadowsoul kicked him in the teeth. My surprised scream echoed off the wall.

Burying his foot in his gut, Alisdair lifted the commander off his knees and kicked him across the room, smashing a dent in the marble wall, and his head. He broke no more a sweat than if he kicked a feather.

Foalan coughed and wheezed, spitting up blood. “Th-thank you, s-sir.”

No one went to him. Not even his supposed friend, Bradach. He didn’t so much as glance in his direction.

“Come,” Alisdair barked. “The ceremony begins.”

He turned his back on me, sweeping out.

I bristled. “Is that how you summon your wife to the ceremony that will make her your eternal mate? One would think you can do better than that.”

Alisdair halted in the entrance, his back to me. “One also would’ve thought this harem of clucking hens would’ve disabused you of the notion that it’s wise to speak to me this way.”

“Fuck you. I’ll speak to you any way I please.”

Aeris, Bradach, and the attendants were finally gaping at a wretched sight—me.

The washing girls backed away from me so fast, they were across the room before I could blink.

Slowly, he turned, and the smile on his lips... I nearly ran away too.

“The clucking hens have told you.” He laughed—a deep, flowing sound. “You know what awaits you at the end of this walk, and you believe a foul mouth will change my mind.” He tsked. “Think it through, little bird. What man in his right mind wouldn’t want your dirty mouth all the more?”

I flushed hot.

I knew what he was doing. I stepped on his overconfidence by using sex to toy with him. Shadowsoul was proving he could do the same to me, but better. Yes, I knew this tactic.

Didn’t mean it wasn’t working.

I stood as tall as my shaking, naked knees would let me. “You mistake me, husband. I’m not trying to get you to change your mind. What I want is for you to do what no one has done since this all began.

“Ask me,” I stated. “Ask me to take this walk with you. Ask me to become your eternal mate. Ask and I will. Ask... on your knees.”

All eyes shot from me to Shadowsoul, awaiting his answer. No one moved. No one breathed.

His eyes locked on mine—dragging me under the depths and drowning me. I almost didn’t notice when he took a step, closing the distance, bringing those impossibly bright pools closer.

Alisdair stopped before me, and knelt.

My eyes widened.He’s doing it? He’s truly doing it. What does this mean? Is this not a cruel, sick punishment to him? Does he truly want me to be his—?

Strong arms seized me, tossed me over his shoulder, and carried me off.

“Hey! Put me down!” I pummeled his back, hitting harder for every raucous laugh belted from Bradach’s throat. “Put me down this moment!”

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