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Aeris guided me down another hallway and up a set of stairs with golden banisters and cold, shiny marble pressing back against my feet. I didn’t know where she was taking me until we turned a corner, and found the door already open.

Hot, vanilla-scented steam wafted out, filling my nose and my mind with the memory of how long it’d been since I had a bath.

I crossed the threshold, stepping into a porcelain paradise. Waterfalls escaped from the ceiling, all feeding into a huge water basin sprinkled with rose petals. Candles flickered from dozens of golden perches, casting a warm glow over the sun-shielded space. A small half-wall designated the privy, and a large, porcelain lounge dominated the middle of the room. I assumed that was the place for me to stretch out and luxuriate in the heat and steam.

“This, Queen Emiana, is your private baths.”

“Please, don’t call me that. Emiana,” I clarified. “Call me—”

I tried saying my name.Nothing.I attempted a version of my name.Nothing.I even attempted my siblings’ names, but the clever, wretched curse didn’t let that leave my lips either. Too much of a giveaway to my true identity.

“Ana,” I burst out in frustration. “None of this my queen or my lady stuff. Just call me Ana.”

“I am deeply flattered, my lady, but I could never address you so informally.”


“Come,” she barked, clapping her hands. “My lady requires her bath.”

That was the cue. Half a dozen attendants flooded the room, and descended on me.

My cries fell on unheeding ears as they stripped me, unwove the tiara from my borrowed hair, took my shoes, pulled down my underclothes, and deposited me on the lounge.

One of the attendants ran for the bucket beside the water basin, filled it, grabbed a bar of scented soap, and they commenced with scrubbing.

“Whoa, hey!” I scuttled away when Aeris slipped her scrub pad between my legs. “I can bathe myself— Actually, I insist on bathing myself.”

She just laughed. “Don’t be silly.” Deceptively strong arms pushed me right back down. “I know you think us savages, but I swear to you, Queen Ana, you will want for nothing while you live in this castle.”

Two men in light armor walked into the room.

“What the fuck!” I snatched a water bucket, using it to cover Emiana’s bits as best I could. “What do you think you’re doing just walking in here? How dare you. Get out!” The shock was mine, but the imperious tone wasn’t.

I sounded like an outraged princess, instead of a regular outraged girl. Was that how quickly the curse took hold? How long until I forgot my family’s faces? Two days?

“Forgive us, Your Majesty.” The fore-man dropped to his knees, bending his head low. His wings crowned to stabilize him—a curtain of beautiful, iridescent black feathers.

Raven feathers, if I was correct. It was hard to be sure, because the curse had yet to reach his face.

He straightened, giving me a proper look at his face, and I near gasped—clutching my bucket tighter.

Inky eyes trapped me, sucking me down into bottomless depths where the sun never shone. Shocking, haunting, unnatural—but that wasn’t what cowed me. From one look, I knew why the curse struggled to touch more than his eyes.

Even it knew to mar such a face was a crime against Meya and nature.

Hawk nose; rock-hard, dimpled chin; long, black locks framing an unblemished face; and that smile. He had a smile like he’d just done something naughty, and no matter what it was, he was going to make you do it too.

The second-most handsome faeman I’d ever seen, solidly throwing Kirwan from the spot.

“We welcome you to Lumenfell, Your Great and Wonderful Majesty.” He bowed deeper, his forehead touching the wet tile. “I am Bradach. This is Foalan.”

Say hello to number four, Kirwan, you ugly bastard.

Foalan tipped his head to me, and silver strands fell over his golden eyes.

I didn’t know where to direct my stare. At the wolf ears perched high and alert on his head. His rounded, almost snout-like nose. Or his broad shoulders; trim, masculine beard; sharp, glass-cutter’s cheekbones, and full, cherry-kissed lips.

How did the curse choose their animal? Why was Foalan becoming a wolf, and Bradach becoming a raven? Was it even polite to ask?

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