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Buried in Emiana’s memories was a walk-through of the ceremony.

Fath— King Salman didn’t trust Shadowsoul or his men an inch. The faeriken party would be on the other side of the throne room with a contingent of guards between them and the nobles. Salman would stand beside the altar with guards on either side of him, and I would be led through a side door beside the altar.

I’d walk past the king to my waiting soon-to-be husband, and behind him... would be another door that opened onto the palace gardens.

If I made it that far, I’d be free. All the guards would be inside guarding the king and noblemen. They wouldn’t spare a single able body to protect the plants. Once I broke out, I’d beat it through the garden, leap over the wall, then make it back to my family.

We’d all have to run of course. Emiana’s face was my face, and Salman would have his men hunt this face till land became sea, and beyond.

That was fine. There was nothing left for us in Lyrica. If we have to leave, we’d leave. At least my family would be safe. At least Shadowsoul would slink back into his dark, twisted forest, and find a wife there who was happy to be “seen, not heard” per his contracted request.

I nodded, steeling myself.This will work.

I’d never get away from this beastly army, but a quick dart around a surprised and unsuspecting Shadowsoul, and this entire nightmare would be over.

I pictured and plotted every step all through a breakfast that I pretended to chew, sip, and swallow. Every time I asked for this or that to be brought to me, I spat the food out while their backs were turned. There would be no calming teas or scones that morning.

After an unfulfilling breakfast, the servants returned me to the dressing room where my wedding gown awaited.

Gossamer silk fell in soft, wispy waves over ivory satin. Something that glittered like diamonds was stitched on the hem of my gown and the sleeves. Wait— They were diamonds. As priceless and coldly beautiful as the diamond tiara Fiona carried over on a pillow.

I almost spat on the thing.

“You will be the most beautiful bride in all the kingdoms,” she whispered, eyes shining, “and... I’m sorry.”

I tensed, looking away. “But I thank you,” I rasped. The words were coming slow, but they were coming. I didn’t speak at all while under the influence of the drugged teas. “Finally, we stop pretending this is a happy day.”

No one knew what to say, least of all Fiona. Least of all me. There was utter silence as they helped me into my dress, did up two dozen diamond buttons going up my back, and settled the tiara on my crown of braids.

Fiona is right, I thought as I gazed into the mirror.Never had there been a more beautiful bride.

“Would you give me some time alone?” I heard myself say. “This is to be my last day in this room. On my own. I’d like a minute to say goodbye.”

“I don’t know if—”

“Of course, Princess,” Fiona sliced in, cutting off one of the women. “It is the least we, your people, can do for you before you set off to the brutal lands for all our sakes. We thank you, Princess Emiana, as deeply as we love you.”

Fiona bowed deeply and the gesture cascaded around the room, bringing all of their heads down. Memories floated through my head of interacting with these women and Fiona throughout my daily routines and before special functions. I had wondered why I couldn’t recall most of their names, then it came to me that I never asked.

They all bowed and showed the highest deference to a princess who saw them as nothing more than helpful decoration, because they knew what was awaiting me on the other side of the gnarled, dead trees and perilous cliffs that surrounded the kingdom of Wind and Wild.

I would sacrifice and be put through so much worse than staff forced to serve an arrogant royal.

“Five minutes, if you permit, Princess,” said Anice, the dressmaker. “His Royal Highness was most insistent that you not be late for the ceremony.”

“Has Shadowsoul and his people already arrived?” I asked.

“They arrived three days ago, ma’am.”

Three days. For three days at least I’d been sitting in front of the window like a houseplant, wasting precious time while my family worried, Kirwan tightened his grip, and Emiana got farther away.

“What...?” It wasn’t the tea that slowed my tongue. “What are they like?”

Anice’s smile wiped away. Looking me in the eye, she said, “They’re even worse than we feared.”

Her words hung in the air after the servants left, Fiona the final one to walk out and close the door.

Emiana saved me from days of being passed around by feral beasts, only to see me married off to the worst one.

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