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“Not so fast!”

Invisible hands seized and ripped us apart.



She threw us clear across the room, slamming us against opposite walls. I didn’t have a chance to think before golden manacles surrounded our ankles, wrists, and throat. Alisdair and I weren’t going anywhere.

Alisdair roared—the veins in his purpling face bulging.

Constance clicked her tongue, mock-pouting. “Ah, my poor love. Not so easy to fight me when you don’t have my own magic to use against me!”

“You!” Bradach charged her, hate contorting his face. He truly hadn’t known the woman he was falling for was the body? vessel? of Constance, and he didn’t give a shit. Looking into his eyes, all he wanted was her dead.

Constance flicked her finger. “Ferramenta.”

Bradach vanished in a cloud of dark smoke. Thudding to the ground, a golden candlestick dropped at her feet.

Roaring, Foalan unsheathed his blade—his crystal-studded hilt glowing. “Eld—!”


The cloud snatched Foalan. A mantle clock fell on the pile of his empty clothes.


My guards came at her from all sides, Eadaoin leading the charge. Magic burst from her palm—soaring straight at Constance’s smirk.

“Ferramenta!” She clapped, her voice resounding through the throne room.

The feather duster that was my first friend in Lumenfell thudded next to her love, Keefe—the broom.

The cloud shook out its collection of furniture, utensils, plates, and cleaning implements—striking the entire room dumb.

“Hmm, that was always my favorite spell.” Constance swept the room, grinning. “Anyone else?”

No one moved. No one breathed.

Except for Alisdair.

“Evil, rotted bitch!” He fought against his bindings. “I put you down once, Constance! I’ll do so again! I swear it on the deepest depths of your black heart! Your victory will be short-lived.”

Her smile twisted, teeth clenching. “You’ve become quite ill-mannered during our time apart, darling. A fewhundredyears in a dungeon ought to help you remember your manners.”

“I’ll remember them when I burn the flesh from your bones and piss on the ashes.”

She snarled, that disgusting grin finally gone. “How dare you! You should be begging for my forgiveness! You betrayed me,” she shrieked, madness in her eyes. “You turned me into a filthy servant, bowing and scraping afterthat!”

I didn’t know what she was talking about, until she pointed at me.

“You dared to marry that worm. To make it your mate and promise it the throne that belongs to me!” Constance roared, red eyes popping out of her head. “You will atone, Alisdair, and you’ll do it in silence!”

Her hand slashed the air, and Alisdair’s jaw snapped shut.

“Hmh! Hmpf! Hmm fmnnm!” he shouted, but nothing got out. He couldn’t open his mouth. He couldn’t speak.

“What did you do to him?” I yanked on my manacles. “Undo it! Release us and undo it!”

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