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“You’re delaying because you’re scared, but you don’t have to be.” His smile almost knocked me on my back. “I’m with you.”

My heart pounded so loud in my ear, it drowned out Emiana’s memories and her fear of being thrown.When you indulge her, it only makes it easier for her to climb a toehold into your mind. You must do what Emiana wouldn’t do. And she wouldn’t get on this horse.

Mind made up, I got on the horse.

Ten minutes later, my sweet, gentle companion was doing her best to tip me face-first into the snow.

“This was my worst idea! I want to get off!”

“Take a breath.” Alisdair’s grip was steady on my waist, leaving me clinging to the reins of the excitable animal. “You’re doing well.”

“She’s going to throw me!”

“Only because you’re making her nervous.”

“How am I the problem!”

Orna tossed her head and reared, her forehooves kicking the air.

My scream echoed through the forest. The only thing louder were his guffaws.

“This isn’t funny!”

Alisdair leaned over me, gently patting and murmuring to the horse until she settled down. “She needs to feel your calm, little bird. Take a breath, sit up straight, don’t pull too hard on the reins, and I will handle the rest.”

“Okay, okay,” I breathed, willing stillness into my jittery limbs. It was a strange sensation navigating someone else’s terror. I held on to the fact that I still knew it wasn’t mine. The days were coming when I wouldn’t. “Breathe, sit up straight, don’t pull hard on the reins.”

I repeated that over and over to myself as Orna resumed a steady trot.

If not for our mode of transport, I would have enjoyed our quiet trip through the forest. A light dusting of snow rained from above like a confectioner’s treat. Orblights hung along the path, casting a gentle glow on the winged rabbits and other critters who came out to see the guests trotting through their home.

It was morning, so the blazing sun and azure sky dominated the horizons. All behind a black curtain of clouds and ice. Even so, I didn’t miss it. There was something serene and private about this little pocket of Elva, where everyone came together against the cold and dark. Every day there were parties in the square, and every night families huddled together with cocoa before the fire.

They loved each other harder because eventually the one they loved would be gone in mind, if not by death. They took nothing for granted—not the light, not the warmth, not food, and not freedom. It could all go away one day, so let’s love it harder while it deigns to stay.

A stiff wind blasted me, ripping straight through my layers.

Alisdair instinctively drew me closer, shielding me with his warmth.

Oh yes, I missed the sun less and less every day.

I was so caught up thinking of the ways Lumenfell and Lyrica differed, that I didn’t notice Alisdair’s hand under my skirt until—


Two fingers slipped past my folds as mischievous as the thumb pressing firm against my clit. “Shh,” he crooned. “I told you. I’ll take care of the rest.”

“Is th-this”—I jostled on the saddle and came down hard on his fingers, rolling my eyes up in my head—“a part of the lesson?”

“Vital part.” Alisdair nipped my ear, making me bite my lip. “I did say it was all about being relaxed.”

“I see now why you were s-so popular.” He flicked my little nub and I snapped forward, body bending in half as lightning demolished my defenses. “Women must’ve come from far and wide for your lessons— Ah!”

He chuckled. “You are the only woman to receive my private instruction.” Alisdair slipped in a third finger and I nearly pitched off the horse. “But you’ll find me a suitable teacher.”

Suitable was not the word. Every bump and jostle impaled me on his fingers and struck that spot dead-on. If the goal was to calm me down, it didn’t work. I was a moaning, shuddering mess who long ago gave up any pretense of guiding the horse and bent back, draping my arms over his shoulders, and holding on for dear life as I bucked and bounced on his hand.

A glowing, furry mass shot out of the trees in front of us, zipping across the path.

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