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“It means he’s not helping us help him. He’s not using his magic to heal himself, and there’s only so far our healing magic can take him.” She stepped to the side. “The rest is up to you.”

“Me?” I squeaked.

She gave me a wan smile. “You must remind him of his reason to keep fighting. Of why he’s not ready to run through the Meadows of Meya. It’s because he has to run back to you.”

I blushed stupidly, not knowing what to say. Not having the courage to say it even if I did. “Oh... Okay.”

Slowly, I stepped inside. The parade of healers vacated at the sight of me, tromping out one by one while I bit my tongue—stopping myself from asking them to stay.

My eyes didn’t know where to go. To the bandaged, silent figure on our bed, or the fourth wall looming behind him.

“I did that.”

I didn’t turn at Foalan’s voice. Part of me already knew he was there. Where else would he be?

“It seemed best not to tempt you a second time, my queen.”

I turned then, gazing upon him coolly. “You know.”

Foalan emerged out of the shadows, tapping his ears. “I know all that goes on within these walls.”

“Do you also know the identity of the traitor who helped your brother poison my food, bait me for the Taken, and toss me down the stairs?” My eyes narrowed. “Or am I in their presence now?”

“I am no traitor, my lady.” His voice was just as cool. “I did not try to kill you. Your death would achieve no useful purpose.”

“My death would achieve the purpose of keeping this land dark, cold, and cursed. That’s what your brother said anyway. Something about the risk of loving Alisdair is the risk he’ll destroy the cursed heart so he can love me back. I didn’t know that was possible. All my life I’ve been told the heart cursed the land, not that it cursed him not to love.”

“And that very well may be true,” he said almost conversationally. I say almost because he was circling me like... like a wolf. “We are no more privy to understanding the cursed heart than anyone else. All we know is that during the years Raelina walked the halls, Lumenfell changed. The kingdom and the man.

“The snow began to melt. Buds bloomed. Children were born with hands and feet instead of claws and fangs. And the sun...” He tipped his head. “One morning, the sun rose. As if it always had.

“My father and brother were terrified of what this meant. They saw their destiny slipping through their fingers, so they ruined Raelina... and sent me to kill Lord Lumenfell.”

My eyes widened slightly, my only reaction.

“I failed, of course.” He chuckled. “And my lord thrashed me soundly. I thought for sure that was the end. He was going to kill me. Heshouldhave killed me. But he just... stopped. My lord held up a fist and an open hand, asking me if I was ready to liveon as my own man, or die as my father’s bitch. I’m certain you can guess what I chose.”

I studied him, tracking his slow pace around me. “Why are you telling me this?”

“Why else? It’s so you stop running from him, my queen.”

I froze.

“You’re not the only one in this room to try and kill him. We’re not even the only ones in this castle to do so. If he can forgive all of us and give us another chance, he’ll most certainly do so for you.”

My eyes stung, warping Alisdair in a sea of tears. “I made a terrible mistake, Foalan,” I rasped. “I wish I could blame someone else.” I thought of Emiana and her deal with Meallan. “But it was me. I told myself I was doing it to get home, but deep down, I just wanted to punish him for breaking my heart.”

He whistled. “You punish a heartbreaker by poisoning and throwing him off a cliff? Remind me never to cross you.”

A startled laugh burst out of me. “Come now, Commander. We both know it’s your deepest, fervent wish for me to punish you.”

He smirked—so darkly and wicked, I suddenly understood why women wanted to pick up a crop and spank the bad wolf out of him. “My lady, if I dared answer that, our lord would rise from his bed and finish the job.” Foalan backed out of the room. “Go to him, Ana. You’re what he needs. I’m sure of it.”

I stood there long after he left, feet glued to the floor. Foalan said I was what Alisdair needed, but in the same conversation, he proved I wasn’t. When Alisdair was with Raelina, their love was so strong, it brought back the sun.

Alisdair had been laughing, teasing, and tumbling me for two moons, and nothing had changed. If anything, I swore Lumenfell was darker and colder than when I first arrived.

Even if Alisdair could forgive me, he didn’t love me. He’d never break my curse, and we’d spend our days slowly wasting away—losing ourselves bit by bit. Him as a beast, and me as Emiana, and then as whatever animal Emiana turned into.

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