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—and a little bird.

An hour later, I entered our bedchamber. Alisdair lay stretched on the mattress—pale, sweating, and still. I don’t know what I expected the poison flower to do to him. Possibly hurt him? Ravage his insides or make him sick? But it didn’t seem to be doing any of that.

Alisdair didn’t look to be sick or eaten from the insides. He looked like he’d run around the entire world, and collapsed right on that mattress—too weak and jelly-kneed to carry on.

Yes, that was it. For the first time since I met the impossible man, Alisdair was weak.

He caught sight of me, and not quickly. It was a slow, agonizing turn of the head that narrowed his gaze in my direction. “My queen...” he drew out, sounding like he was choosing every word carefully, for each cost him dearly. “Something... is wrong. Fetch... Aeris. Now.”

“Aeris?” Slowly, I closed the distance, my prize clutched behind my back. “Why would you need Aeris? Your wife is here. I will help you.” I lofted the knife high, enjoying the slow widening of his eyes. “I’ll make everything better.”


My knife fell, slicing the rope in two. Moving fast, I pounced on him, caught his wrist, and roped it to the headboard. The other one received the same treatment. Alisdair truly was weak magically and physically. He barely put up a fight.

“What are you doing, woman! Untie me!” His bark had much less of a bite when he was leashed to a headboard. “Untie me this instant!”

“Nope,” I sang. “I don’t believe I will.” I wriggled down his chest, dropping comfortably on his middle. Cheerily, I peeled off my robe. “I told you, husband. Warned you even. I said that one day soon, I would have you at my mercy.”

“You?” he hissed. “You did this to me? Did you—you—poisonme?!”

I laughed. “It was just half a petal in your ale.” I clicked my tongue. “You really should be careful with those. Could do a lot of damage in the wrong hands.”

Roaring, he reared up—growing fangs splitting his lip. Alisdair made it halfway, and flopped back down, panting hard.

I patted his chest. “Nice try, dear. When you speak of this in the future, you’ll be able to tell everyone you gave it your all. But now it’s my turn.”

Alisdair growled, latching on to the knife I still held in my hand. “What are you going to do?”

“Oh, well, that’s simple. It was recently pointed out that you can’t fall in love with someone without being vulnerable, and you, Alisdair, are never vulnerable. You hold all the power in our marriage. You inked those very words of power on my skinin a language I can’t even read.” I pressed the knife tip to his collarbone, and slid down—slicing his tunic in half.

“You even hold all the power in the bedroom. Eadaoin says it’s the Wind and Wild way for men to put a woman’s pleasure first. Much in the way male animals attract and tempt a female, but even though it would bring me pleasure to be on top every other night, you’ve allowed no such thing to happen. I must always be at your mercy. I must always beg and plead beneath you—not the goddess receiving pleasure, but your puppet to it.”

“And so you will be tonight.” His eyes flashed. “And every night thereafter. My wife. My puppet. Mine.”

“I dispute none of that.” I flicked his nose, earning a snarl. “I’m merely opening your mind to the Lyrican way. The women of my kingdom know a few tricks to please a man too.” My hand traveled down, slipping past his waistband, and gripping the length that had been tearing me in two every night. I paused. “Ah, but there are rules.”

“The rule being that you’re never to do anything like this again!”

I giggled again. “No, definitely not that. I’ve actually hidden away a few petals in case you don’t learn your lesson tonight.” I swore the glare he gave me was murderous. “No, the rules are that you must share an intimate detail about yourself. Something you’ve never told anyone.”

“And that will make you cease?” he snapped.

“No.” My grin widened. “That’s what you must do... if you want me to keep going.” With that, I freed his cock from its confines, dropped my head, and swallowed him to the hilt.

Alisdair howled. Yes, howled like a wounded animal. The howl was smothered by a choked groan when I sucked hard, caving in my cheeks. Even though Eadaoin said it, I didn’t truly believe it. Alisdair had his own harem basking in a sauna oasis. I’d met them myself.

I didn’t believe he hadn’t done all the things there were to do in the bedroom, and more. But then I underestimated the man who shocked his staff by announcing his hunger. To not be in control at every moment? To allow his pleasure to be at someone’s discretion, and their power? That was not the Alisdair way, and the customs of Wind and Wild had nothing to do with it. This was the first time a woman pleasured him with her mouth, and I was going to make it count.

I sucked, bobbed, and stroked—my fingers tight around the base of his cock, but my tongue a dancer’s minx—light and playful teasing his member. I only had the little I remembered of Shadi’s advice to aid me, but confidence was my guide.

She did tell me that his groaning, moaning, and carrying-on would be all the encouragement I needed to know I was doing it right. If that was the case, I was doing it very,verywrong.

Alisdair growled, thrashed, and kicked—snapping and clawing at the ropes. Fighting to get free like an animal caught in a trap. The last time someone sounded this furious with me... they attacked.

The poison flower was still doing its work. His claws weren’t as long as they could be. His fangs not as lethal. His thrashing only served to drive his length deeper, making me moan to rumble the vibrations down his pole, and hitch his breath every time.

I withdrew and sucked on the tip, scraping my teeth across his hole.

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