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“One thing at a time,” he breezed. “First we conquer all in our path, then we save it.”

“Meaning only once everything and everyone is under your power, will you finally destroy the heart?” My blunt words went straight to the point. “At least it makes sense now. Why you’ve let this go on for centuries. It’s a ransom, and all of Elva are your hostages.”

“My queen, how many times must I tell you?” A slow, wicked grin twisted his lips. “All of Elva areourhostages.”

My fist balled, aching to punch that smile in. I hated what it revealed in myself. I hated even more that I couldn’t voice the denials screaming in my head.

“Unless, of course,” Alisdair continued, stepping back. “You’ve decided to die on your knees.” He gestured to the siren. “If that’s the case, say the word, and our only hope of complete victory will be returned to the swamp we fished her out of.”

“Send her back,” I said without a second’s hesitation. “I want Elva to return to the days of equality and freedom, but not this way. What you mean to do is slaughter, not mercy.”

“Hmm. No.”

“What?” Disbelief colored my tone. “You just told me to say the word.”

He shrugged. “Because I assumed you would choose correctly. You’re still not ready to do what needs to be done. That’s fine. When the change has taken you and all that simpering civility is smothered by the true beast within—you’ll see things my way. Even more, you’ll know what it is to be free again, and you’ll be willing to give that gift to all the people—no matter what it takes.”

“Oh, save your manipulative speeches!” I spat. “You’re not doing this to free Elva. You’re doing it to get revenge against my father!”

His grin went nowhere. “Why can’t it be both?”

“No,” I ground out. “You’re not torturing that creature in the name of wiping out half the population of Elva. I do want to fight for the end of the bindings and the freedom of the women of Elva, even if it means going to war, but you said this isourfight. If you mean it, you’ll stop making decisions without me.

“We rule together. We fight together. We decide together. Equals. Anything less and you’re no different than the shitty, evil bastards who held me down when I was ten years of age, and ripped my magic away from me while I screamed.”

His smile melted away. Slowly, he ate the distance between us. “If you’re saying this—if you mean this, you’re telling me our nightly runs are at an end. You’re forsaking Lyrica and allying yourself with me as my queen. My wife.”

I didn’t look away. “That’s exactly what I’m telling you.”

Alisdair gave me a long look. “Well, then, there’s only one thing to say to that.” Stepping back, he bowed. “As you wish, my queen.”

My eyes narrowed to slits. The mocking in his tone rang loud and clear.

“My wife has spoken,” Alisdair called, rising up. “The mermaid will be kept here—safe, unharmed, and untouched—until we decide the best way to wage and win this war. Together.”

All the words were right, but I didn’t trust a single one of them. “You promise me?”

“I promise,” he replied—light. Easy.

“Will you ink that promise on your skin with runic magic?”

The corners of his mouth quirked down. “I’d say yes, but you can’t read runes, so you still wouldn’t trust me.”

“Very true,” I said, smiling. “That’s why you’re going to teach me to read runes. Add that to our many lessons.”

“As you wish, my queen.”

Once again the urge to punch him overwhelmed. Only Alisdair could mock me while giving me exactly what I want.

I cast one last look at the siren, then flicked away when our gaze connected. “Foalan, will you heedourorders?”

“Yes, my queen.”

Now him, I believe.

“Very well.” I sniffed in Alisdair’s direction—a habit of Emiana, though warranted in his case. “I have business in the village. I won’t be long. When I return, we’ll begin our rune lessons.”

“Your wish is my command.”

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