Page 85 of Pawn Of The Gods

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The night before was our first date. After disaster and disaster, we finally had time alone, and I invented a headache and ran off. What else was I supposed to do? Sebastian Barba killed the mood, then came back and kicked the corpse. There was no chance of a hot and steamy make-out session when “most evil, dangerous, Janus-faced bastard” was spinning through my head.

That morning, I woke up to find my finished scrolls complete and waiting beside my bed. As promised, Alexander had gotten them done for me. He’d also done the same for all my friends, who about cried tears of relief when they saw the scrolls.

He’s done so much for me. Nobody forced him. Nobody paid him. He met a young woman in need and dropped everything to help her. What about that makes him an evil bastard?

Hondros gave us his back, and Alex took his chance to glance back at me. My eyes were already down and staring unseeingly at my textbook. We kept looking at each other, though I wouldn’t let our eyes connect. He might not know what was in mine, but I knew the question in his.

What went wrong?

“Sorry, D, I’m listening,” I croaked. “What’s up?”

“I was saying we should find the library tonight and get our studying done there.” She started putting her things away,which made me notice everyone was shoving their things in their packs. Class was dismissed. “I love whoever did our scrolls last night. Those papers were stupid and a punishment and we didn’t deserve them.” She giggled. “Although we did deserve the vein-bursting astonishment on Hondros’s face when we all handed in complete scrolls.”

I cracked a grin. It was true. Interestingly enough, Hondros looked far from pleased when we handed in all the work he asked for. Complete and on time. The man was clearly looking forward to handing out more punishment.

“But I want to learn,” Daciana continued. “I’m the first werewolf to be invited into the Olympian interdominion program in twenty years. My dad tried to improve relations between our people, but... it didn’t work. Now it’s my chance, and it’s already going so much better. I have friends while he didn’t.”

I paused, picking up my textbook. “You mean he was here for four years and didn’t have a single friend? That’s so sad.”

“Don’t feel too bad for Daddy. He’s a growly, ornery old wolf and has been since the day he was born. Anyone who tried to make friends with him would’ve run after getting their heads bitten off too many times. I’m the only person he likes.” She laughed. “Anyway, my point is I want to prove I take this opportunity seriously. Let’s study ourselves so the scroll fairy doesn’t show up again tonight.”

I shoved the last book in my pack and followed her out. I felt Alex’s eyes on the back of my head but pretended I didn’t. “As much as I love the scroll fairy, I agree. I want to learn everything I can too.”

She glanced back at me. “What do you want to learn?”

Where do I start? I want to learn about the Fates, why my gift is rarely given, how do I control it, and what it has to do with freeing a trapped goddess? I’d also like to learnwho Selene actually is, why the gods went to such lengths to imprison her, and if there’s any way to rescue my mom and leave the grumpy bitch right where I find her. While there’s time, I’d like to learn everything there is to know about the council, Maximos Damien, and his son—the supposed evil, Janus-faced bastard who captured my heart from the moment I met him.

“Monsters,” I replied. “I couldn’t follow a thing Hondros said about the dracaenae. I’m not even sure I pronounced that right.” I linked arms with hers. “A library date it is.”

“Who’s got a date?” Nitsa linked with my other arm. “Because if you do, trust me, drink some paradise flower tea before you do. Jason wasn’t lying about the orgasms being orgasmy-er. I blacked out,” she rasped. “Twice. I screamed so loud I lost my voice.” She sighed. “Best sex anyone has ever had ever.”

“Quite a review.” I glanced back at Jason. A crowd twice as big as the one the day before gathered around his desk, practically throwing money at him. Looked like everyone enjoyed their samples, and wanted more, more, more.

I put it out of my mind as we headed for the history hall. Whatever the Hell Boys were up to would only become more obvious over time. They weren’t exactly hiding.

Walking into history, I was struck again by—

Books. Books as far and wide as I could see. We came out on the second-floor loft—students breaking up to make for the two spiral staircases leading down to the lecture floor with its desks, and those desks piled with more books.

“Wow,” I breathed, moving to the gold-and-iron railing to look up, not down. Another loft of bookshelves going all the way around promised the knowledge of fifty lifetimes. The true name and history of Selene was here. It had to be. I couldn’t believe there was a secret that escaped this temple of knowledge.

“Down in front. Down in front.”

I snapped around as my instructor exited a side door hidden behind the shelves.

“Fill in the front rows first,” said Madame Remis. “Come now, novices. The rumors that I bite are greatly exaggerated.”

I watched Sirena lace her fingers through Alexander’s and tow him to the front row.

My fists balled even while I thought it shouldn’t bother me. Things were on hold between us until I found out if what Sebastian said was true. It had to be.

A band of gorgeous, strutting Titans packed in around Sirena and Alex, claiming all the best seats that were gilded and reserved just for them. Cora and Hyacinth set Sirena’s books in front of her and fussed with her hair—making it more perfect than it already was.

What are they? Handmaidens?

My friends and I settled on the Sisyphean side.

“Good morning, everyone. I trust you all have scrolls for me,” Remis began.

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