Page 245 of Pawn Of The Gods

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“You know what he’s going to do to you.”

Yes, I did.

“I can’t stop it, and I can’t get you out,” he continued. “Maximos already has your mother and friends. If you run, he’llpublicly execute them one by one until you give yourself up,” he said, making me choke. “He’s done it before.”

“What do I do?”

“What you do is let him take you—”


“—and you trust me to get you out.” He took my hand—gently. Caringly. “I know you have a short supply of trust for me. That’s why we need to take an oath, and swear it on the pits of Tartarus.”

I blinked. I couldn’t have heard that right. “Excuse me?”

“It’s Castor’s power. One of many. To draw up soul contracts. If the contract is broken, the soul is cast into Tartarus. Right then. Immediately,” he said. “It’s good incentive to keep your word.

“You and I swear to be allies. To use our powers in each other’s aid.”

“Someone’s coming,” Castor sang.

“You need to decide now.”

“But I—”

“Now, Vanda!”

“Okay,” I cried, eyes running. “Yes, I’ll do it.”

A piece of parchment appeared between us immediately. Fire ate away at the edges without consuming it, filling the room with a heavy, smoky scent. Written across the top wasSoul Contract.

A knife suddenly appeared in Sebastian’s hand. Without a pause, he sliced his palm, sprinkling the blood on the burning scroll. The red ink rushed and scrawled about the page, writing out the oath of Sebastian Orion Barba.

He handed it to me.

“Are you sure this is the only way to—?” And then I heard it, heavy boots out in the hall—clomping fast toward my door.

I sliced my palm, holding in my cry, and dripped my blood on the page. “What now—?”

He placed something next to me. “Don’t lose it this time.” An ornate gate of smoke and light-eating iron appeared behind him. Sebastian and Castor stepped through, vanishing as quickly as they came.

The door burst open as I gazed upon my dagger. “Aella.”

“Alex?” I sat up so fast I nearly fell out of bed.

He caught and spun me off my feet. “Oh,kara, you’re okay. I wouldn’t believe it until I saw you myself.”

Disbelief rocked me under his wave of kisses, though I kissed back just as passionately. Alex was okay. He was whole, happy, and gorgeous without a scratch on him. Had I really done that? Did I save everyone? And were they not mad?

“Baby, are you okay?” I asked, pulling back. “I heard you lost your power. I heard your father was furious and was on a rampage, locking everyone up?”

“Furious?” He laughed. Of all things, Alex laughed. “My father isn’t furious. He couldn’t be happier.”

A ringing sounded in my ears. “Excuse me?”

“I mean, of course he’s not happy that I’ve lost my power, but he’s not concerned. He said if magic can take it away, then magic can give it back.”


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