Page 24 of Pawn Of The Gods

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I gazed up at twinkling diamonds and a sea of azure blue. “It’s snowing,” I whispered, “and nighttime.”

“Our dominion exists opposite the mundanes’. If it’s warm and day there, it’s cold and night here.” He pushed up. “Hold on. I’ll be right back.”

“Where are you going?” I twisted to follow him and saw right away.

We’d landed next to a campsite. A bump in the snow covered a log, a dip revealed where the firepit was, and the tent Alexander ducked into showed who it belonged to.

He climbed back out carrying a coat and boots. “Here. Put these on.”

I had the coat on and my feet shoved inside the boots before I asked, “What about you? Aren’t you cold?”

“Never so cold that I’d let a lady shiver in the snow.”

I pulled my hood low, ducking my head in the coat. Was this an Olympian thing? Even before they locked me up, I never had a guy treat me so chivalrously. Justin walking me home didn’t count. Especially because he grabbed his fifteen minutes of fame by telling RBC News that I was raving and ranting that day, and he took me home to make sure I didn’t hurt myself or others.

The reporter gushed about how brave and selfless he was.

I cleared my throat. “I guess this is where we split up. You have to get back to boiling monsters and pouring poison on rocks, and I have to find my mom. I’ll do what you say and make sure no one knows who I am. You were right that I need to find out what the trap is before I spring it.” I fished in my pocket. “If you discover who the monsters are that took my mom or what they want, will you text me?” I handed him my phone. “I’ll keep you posted on what I find out too.”

“Will I what you?” Alexander cocked his head. “What is that thing, by the way? Every mundane we passed in the wood had one too.”

“That thing?” I gave my phone the same wild look he did. “You don’t know what a cell phone is?”

“Should I?”

Of all the unbelievable things he told me that day, this blew my mind. “Your world has magic but not cell phones? How does that make sense!”

“What is its purpose?”

“It— It—” Never in my life did I think I’d have to explain what a cell phone does. “It lets people send messages and talk to each other even if they’re far apart.”

“Oh, is that it?” He flapped a hand. “That’s what children of Hermes are for. Besides, you and I aren’t going to be far apart. We obviously can’t split up, Aella. You don’t know anything about Olympia or where you’re going. You’d be monster food in less than twenty-four hours.”

“But I can just—” I turned on my phone.

The screen went wild—flashing red, blue, and white. I screamed as sparks shot out of the thing, singeing my hand.

Alexander reacted fast. Grabbing it away, he tossed it in the air. I saw only a flash and glint of metal in the moonlight before my phone fell in two pieces at my feet, cut clean in two.

“Rhea and Cronus,” he cried. “Are you okay?” Alexander took my hand and rubbed it between his, holding our hands to his chest. “Don’t worry, I killed it. It won’t hurt you again.”

I was too surprised to find myself against him and melting in his warm embrace to correct him. Although, yes. He had very much killed my phone and any hope of me using Google Maps to find my way.

“We’re not splitting up, Aella.” Our eyes connected over his shoulder. “I promised to help you, and that’s what I’m going to do.” His fingers curled around mine. “You’re not alone anymore. You have allies.” His smile was slow. His touch was soft. “You have me.”

My voice wavered. “I thought you only used your power for good.”

Alexander chuckled. “I’m sure I don’t know what you mean.”

I flicked away, face flaming, and stared out into the dark and cold. Staying with Alexander Damien sounded leagues better than facing whatever was out there alone... with no cell phone... no idea where I was going... no clue... and only a strange whispering bracelet.

“Okay,” I mumbled. “We’re not splitting up. Where to first?”

“Pergamon.” Alexander released me and ducked back into the tent. “I stabled my horse there. We’ll check on her, grab some food in front of a warm fire, then we’ll make a plan, and I’ll tell you more about Olympia.”

“Sounds good, Alexander.”

“Call me Alex. All my friends do.”

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