Page 228 of Pawn Of The Gods

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Giving up, I turned away from her and focused on the trap. Maybe there was some kind of order to the spikes and flames triggering. If we timed it right, we could—

“Okay.” Sirena snapped my attention back. “I’ll help you, but not because of that cerberus shit you just said, cow. I’ll do it because this creature was obviously not contained if it was able to abduct a woman. It was a danger long before she blundered in and fucked everything up.”

She being me.

“This time it abducted a mundane. Next time, it could take someone actually important, and with it living right beneath the shoes of all twelve imperial heirs, the thought undoubtedly crossed its mind.” She straightened. “Alex and I cannot let that happen. It’s our duty to protect the heirs and the Titans.He and Iare now leading this mission. You all stay out of the way and try not to die.” She shrugged, smiling. “Or do, it makes no difference to me.”

Why was it that even though she was offering help I desperately needed... I wanted to punch her in the face?

Alex tossed his head, sighing. “If I can translate Sirena’s reply into the more compassionate one she meant to give, she’s saying she knows none of this was your fault, the blame lays at the monster who started this war, and she’ll do everything she can to save your mother, because she does know what Mother Hera would do in this situation, and she’d kicked that kidnapping beast’s ass.”

Rolling her eyes, Sirena sniffed. “Whatever. Let’s do this already.”

I was about to ask whatthiswas when a dragon’s forearm and talons erupted from her shoulder. She scooped me, Alex, and Nitsa up in one swoop, carried us over the death maze, and deposited us on the platform on the other side. She did the same to the others, then turned into a dove and flew over, bypassing the flames and spikes with ease.

She touched down as herself, looking smugger than ever. She didn’t speak and she didn’t need to. Her face read loud and clear thatwe couldn’t do this without her. Titans reign supreme.

“We’re almost there, guys.” I reached for the key. My fingers spasmed curling around them. It was only a matter of time before the poison got to me. “Two more. We can do this.”

“N-no.” A thick, raspy whisper reached me over the crackling flames. “We can’t.”

“What?” I turned, falling on Daciana.

She cradled Tycho to her chest, crouched on her knees on the floor. Something splashed onto the metal.

“Daciana,” I said slowly. “What’s wrong?”

She looked at me, eyes red rimmed, and shook her head.

“Nooo!” Nitsa wailed.

They rushed him, but I got there first. I tore my friend from her grasp and onto the floor. “Tycho, no, don’t do this.” I clasped my fists on his chest, pumping up and down. Vicious pain tormented my shoulder, but I didn’t stop. I didn’t slow. “You can’t give up. Don’t give up!”

Daciana, Nitsa, and Ionna broke down, sobbing on their palms. Theron could only stand there—washed-out and shaking.

“We’re almost there, T-Tycho,” I cried. “We’re going to get you to Healer Helena. You’re going to be okay.”


“Wake up!” I pounded his chest, sobs shredding my lungs and stopping my breath. “Please, wake up.”

Tycho jumped into the chamber because of me. He faced a riddle-obsessed monster because of me. And he was forced to delay, and delay, and delay proper treatment because of me.

“It’s my fault.” My head fell back, cries echoing off the metal. “I’m sorry, Tycho, please. Please, come back.”

“Aella...” Arms gathered me up, gently drawing me away. “It’s all right,kara. Let it go.”

I cried into his chest. I cried and cried until there was nothing left, then I cried more. I knew the son of Persephone for a short time, and in that time he’d been a better, more loyal friend to me than people I’d known my whole life. All he wanted was to be a soldier, and be with Calix Lambros. Because of me, he’d lost his opportunity at both of those dreams, and he’d never have a chance to win them back.

“This is my fault,” Daciana whispered. “If I hadn’t pushed for us to stay together, Tycho would’ve stayed in Athena’s chamber where he was safe and could rest.”

“No, it’s mine.” Nitsa’s face soaked with tears. “He was forced to expend power to save me because I flew out a fucking window.”

“No, it’s mine,” Ionna shrieked, throwing herself against the wall. “I’m the fucking seer. Me! I should’ve seen this coming. What’s the fucking point of me if I don’t see these things coming!”

“Okay, all of you, enough.”

Sirena’s bark snapped my head up. “Cirillo, if you fucking dare! Now is not the time for your venom. For once, shut the hell up!”

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