Page 152 of Pawn Of The Gods

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Fuck no! Maximos Damien was a bullying, manipulative, evil pig. He tells his son to be honorable with women, and turns around and says to trap one in marriage, so he could use her, cheat on her, then dump her when he was good and ready.

But then, Alex told me plainly. His father was not a good or kind man.

“I could not do those things, Father. Sirena is a friend. She deserves better,” Alex replied. “She deserves love too.”

“You are not hearing me. Nothing is preventing her or you from finding love and companionship in other partners. You’re both free to design the type of marriage that best suits you, but at least before Olympia and the five dominions—you will be Hera and Zeus. The king and queen of Olympia. The king and queen of all.

“But,” Maximos drew out, “the choice is yours. Part of being a man is making and owning your mistakes. It is no longer my responsibility to clean up after your foolish decisions, but know this, my son, with the free time I’ll have now that I’m no longer arranging an engagement celebration, I’ll personally devote myself to finding the girl who mushed up the other side of the bed and left her perfume in the air.”

Horror leadened my soul.

“I am very much looking forward to making her acquaintance,” Daimen hissed. “The girl my son gave up everything for.”

Monster! Evil bastard. Twisted, maniacal, power-hungry, scum-licking—

“There’s no need, Father.” Alex’s voice was flat. “Now that I’ve had time to think and consider, I realize how fortunate I am to marry my best friend.”

No. What’s he saying? No, Alex! No, no, no!

“Love fades, but friendship and trust doesn’t. What could be a more worthy foundation to build a marriage? I’ll do it,” Alex stated, blowing my heart to pieces. “I’ll sign the contract. I’ll marry Sirena.”

“I’m most pleased to hear it, Alexander.” Maximos’s tone changed in an instant. The cold disapproval vanished and thesupposedly loving, supportive father returned. “You’ve made a wise choice, son. One that will make you happy, I’m certain of it, for it is your happiness that I hold above all.”

I almost blew another raspberry. If anyone had bullshit pouring out of their mouth, it was Maximos Damien. Never had a bigger load of crap been dropped on the floor. He didn’t care about his son’s happiness. He cared about his sonlookinghappy while he controlled every facet of his life.

“I know you do, Father, and I thank you.” Alex yawned. “If it’s all right, I’d like to go back to sleep. Vasili made it clear lessons resume at dawn. We get no time to rest after the reflection room.”

“Nor should any of you. I should hope the Titans used that time to reflect on how far they’ve fallen, and the Sisypheans used it to repent for how they dared to treat their betters.”

So that’s who Sirena got that irritating word from.

“Good night, Father.”

“Good night, son.” There was a noise that sounded like he was clapping Alex on the shoulder. “I’m very pleased for you both. I will tell Lia the good news now.”

“Thank you.”

The door opened and swung shut. Maximos was finally gone.

“Aella?” The wardrobe swung open. His handsome, pale face found mine through the pants and tunics. “Aella, I’m so sorry. Are you okay?”

I just looked at him. “How can I be okay, Alex? I just listened to you agree to marry another woman.”

He winced. “Aella...” Gently, Alex reached in and helped me out. “I hate myself. I have no excuse. No defense. You shouldn’t have had to hear that but—”

“But I did hear,” I broke in. “I heard him threaten me plain as day. If you didn’t agree to marry her, your father was goingto hunt me down andremoveme.” I smiled mirthlessly. “Don’t know what that means, but I can guess.”

“I did it—”

“—to protect me,” I finished. “Yeah, I know that too. You love me, and you know your father. You know he’ll hurt me.” I shivered. “Just by hearing his voice, I know it too.”

“Aella, please.” He turned my chin to look at him but I tore away, moving to the fireplace. “I don’t want this! I never wanted this. The only thing in this world I want is you.”

I pressed my lips tight. Squeezing my eyes shut, wetness leaked down my cheeks. “I know, Alex. I believe you. I believe that you don’t want to marry Sirena. I believe you love me. I believe that you’re trying to protect me. But...”

I faced him, gaze empty. Soul broken. “I don’t believe you’ll ever stand up to your father. You’re not going to elope and run away with me, Alex, and I’m not going to be your secret, or your mistress.”

“I’d never ask you to be!”

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