Page 150 of Pawn Of The Gods

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“Fine, Father.” Alex yawned loud, and rather obvious to my ears. “I must’ve been talking in my sleep. What are you doing here, kiri? Can the palace spare you?”

“I dare say they can for one night. Sit,” the deep voice ordered. “I have something to discuss with you, and it had to be said in person.”

“Is something wrong? Did something happen to Aunt Sara? My cousins?”

“They are perfectly well.” Shuffling, then they ducked out of my sight. I guessed they moved to the armchairs by the fire. “I’m here because of Sirena.Weare here because of Sirena. Her mother traveled with me.”

“But I checked on her a few hours ago,” Alex cried. “She was fine. What happened?”

“She is not fine, boy. She was beaten, disgraced, and humiliated before the entire novice class. Sisypheans outsmarted and ambushed you. Ambushed all of you.” I heard the anger and disgust in his voice loud and clear.

I could feel him thinking that none of this would’ve happened if the Sisypheans had been kicked out of Deucalion like he wanted.

“Kiri, if you’re here because you want to know how this happened, it’s because the Titans keep treating the Sisypheans like—?”

“No,” his father sliced in. “I know why this happened. It’s because Sirena was under the impression you have a lover. Is it true?”

I held my breath as silence reigned.

“Does it matter if it’s true? Sirena and I aren’t promised to each other. We’re not engaged,” Alex said. “You’re the one who told me I needed to be absolutely sure of who I commit to. Even more so who I marry.”

“Yes, yes, I don’t deny it,” Maximos replied. “I told you to sow your oats and enjoy your freedom while you’re still young enough to do so. I said as much to Lia. It was I who encouraged you, and therefore caused this rift between you and Sirena.”


“Come now, boy. You and Sirena have been friends since swaddling. We know her. We trust her. There will never be a more suitable wife. I allowed your exploration, because I knew you’d choose Sirena in the end. I daresay, Lia and Sirena knew the same—which is why neither pushed for the marriage contract. Unfortunately, things have changed.”

“Changed?” Alex repeated. “What’s changed? Father, why are you here?”

“I am here because the mere suggestion of you being in love with another girl resulted in an embarrassing public spectacle,a dressing-down by an upstart horse talker, and then Sirena’s defeat.

“None of which would’ve happened if you hadn’t publicly rejected the girl. The whole world watched you tell the strongest Hera’s daughter in a generation that she wasn’t good enough for you.”

“It wasn’t like that.”

I was tenser than a bowstring—barely moving. Barely breathing.

“I reminded her that we’re friends, only friends, but still friends. You taught me to behave honorably with women. Most importantly not to lead them on.”

“Right you are, Alexander, and that’s why I’m here. Despite your intentions, Lia and Sirena feel you have led the girl on. Lia gets a hundred marriage requests for Sirena a day. She’s turned them all down unseen because she assumed what most have—that Sirena was meant for you.

“Now she says she will endure no more assumptions. The marriage contract between you and Sirena must be signed by end of week, or the Cirillo family is ending their allegiance with the Damiens.”

“But, Father!” There was athumpandcrashof something falling over. “She can’t do that!”

“She can, and she will. She feels you have treated her daughter badly, and it’s hard to disagree when I see the girl broken and bleeding in a cot for want of loving you.”

“But you—!” Alex cut off. I could feel him holding in his temper. “Father, you promised me I could choose my wife for love, not position. Like you chose Mother. You said you’d never deny me the happiness you two had.”

“I did say that, son, and I shall not go back on my word.”

What? I leaned forward, eyes wide.

“What do you mean?” Alex asked.

“I told Lia that who you marry is your choice and your choice alone. I agreed to come here and inform you of the situation face-to-face, but ultimately, I shall not tell you what to do, and I will support your decision.”

“I... Thank you, Father.”

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